Voltmeter upscaling resistor help needed


Sep 25, 2004
I'm buying a very small digital panel-mount voltmeter that measures up to 200mV. The mfg gives resistor specs for upscaling the meter here:


Can someone link me to these two resistors on a site where I can buy them? I want to scale to the 0-200 Volt range so I need a 1M and a 1k.
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Digikey http://digikey.com is a great place for electronic components. Cheap shipping compared to most online places if you pick first class mail. Radioshack should have them too, but you can pick up some other goodies at Digikey (MOSFETs, li ion charging ICs, microcontrollers) that Radioshack doesn't have if you don't mind paying $2 for shipping.

By the way, a 1M and a 1K divider will give you a range of 200.2V, not 200V like you wanted. You'll need a 999K and 1K divider for a 200V range. Just so you know in case you get some magical 0% tolerance resistors :rolleyes: and you're wondering why everything is a little off. With real world resistors, it won't matter since 999K is only 0.1% off of 1M.

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