walmart LED products


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 29, 2009
So, I was walking through wallyworld on a boring day and was looking through the LED bulbs. There were tons of those ones where they just stuffed a bulb full of 5mm's and called it a product, but there were also quite a few Osram products utilizing golden dragons and other high-power LEDs. I also saw some GE LED products that looked pretty promising too, but I don't know what kind of LED they used!

It is a 16 inch light bar with three warm white LEDs. I can see the 3mm dome and a faint outline of a decent-sized chip, with phosphor covering all that is visible through the dome. I am very curious about GE LED technology because I haven't seen anywhere a list of the types of LED emitters that GE manufacturs. do they in fact make their emitters in house or just buy ones from an outside company?

btw, here's a pic:
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Just FYI don't even think about buying the Lights of America 120vac light bulbs with the 5mm LED's at Walmart. They are compelte and total junk. I know, I bought a bunch of them. Ended up taking them all back and advised the store manager to get them off the shelves.
I also saw some GE LED products that looked pretty promising too, but I don't know what kind of LED they used!

GE products look like that- I've got a couple. I'm not even going to try and promise to get photos up- work has been 70+ hours a week and my free time is left to dote on my new daughter.

But they are nice, warm, and run very cool.
Hey purdue, don't sweat the pics. I did see GE's Vio LED solution, very interesting product, violet LED instead of blue allowing for more complex phosphors, etc. etc. These LEDs in this fixture however, do not look like those Vios. Vios' domes are about 1.5cm in diameter, while these LEDs looked like 3mm clear domes.

I could faintly see the square outline of the chip, but no bond wires. the phosphor layer covered the chip and whatever it is that the chip was mounted to, as all I could see in the dome was yellow.