"Warm" forecast ahead


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 3, 2009
Pulaski, Va.
A little over a month ago I introduced a friend to "our world" and he liked my Quark AA R5 with D10 clip so much that he wound up with it a fair price. I also built him an aspheric mag. Two days ago I go to see him and compare his XP-G aspheric to my new XR-E aspheric. He wants to show me his "new toys". Along with the one he aquired from me he has added a Quark Mini 123, Quark 123 R5 regular, Quark AA2 neutral white and a streamlight stylus!
He starts showing me all these lights and then he gets to the Quark NW. WOW, up until that point I was all about the numbers and pure output. Now I understand that for me it's more about the quality over quantity. Don't get me wrong, I still like my other lights a lot but the warmer colors are what I think I'll want more of. After some trading with my friend, the Quark neutral went home with me because he thought it was "just ok" and he says he doesn't "need" that many of the same light.

Can this fine group give me your suggestions for more Quality lights with the warmer tint LEDs? Maybe Fenix TK20, RA high CRI.....others?
I'm pretty new to this hobby but I have managed to get some lights.
I to like the neutral whites and started with a TK20. It is nice but I wanted a small light so I went on with a Quark mini 123 nw, then Zebralight SC30w.
I have recently bought a Eagletac P20C2 MkII neutral that is of course bigger than the Q mini and zebralight but much smaller than the TK20.

The TK20 has most throw but not so good indoors or short distance outdoors. It is a little big to keep in your pocket but feels good in the hand. The small SC30w has a wider hotspot and spill and great UI from low low to really bright for such a small light.

I have ordered a Preon2 warm white, it will be interesting to se how it looks compared to the neutral ones.

Lumapower (I have ordered a Incendio V3 neutral!) and Jetbeam have neutral white lights, the Jetbeams looks nice.

I don't have a RA light (yet) but what I have seen here on CPF they are among the best.

Since I started to read at this forum I find new nice flashlights all the time but I think I have to take it a little bit slower for a while now... :broke:
About the lights I have bought so far all I can say is that they are great all of them in one way or another.

Good luck in your search for next flashlight, and next, and next...
quark is coming out with warm XP-G's which should be nice.
Nailbender Linger Special 2.8A single mode
w DUAL XPG R2 B3 tint


I just used it last night on some really tight muddy trails
in the woods. It was WAAYY easier to tell what was a puddle
and what was a rock or root compared to my other
LED lights. I dont care if the CRI isnt technically better
the proof is in the pudding ...er mud ;)

Im so sold on neutral now... I need a 4500k
sst50 module now tho....maybe Ill sell my 5700k
which isnt too bad tint wise.

warm nights ahead INDEED.
Thanks everyone with your suggestions on how to drain my pockets further:grin2: I will be looking into several of these lights mentioned.

EagleTac's whole line is available in Neutral White.

:thumbsup: Exactly

I got both the Neutral OP and Neutral smooth reflector for my T20C2 MKII and I don't think I'm going back to the XP-G R5 now. The neutral actually makes trees and leaves look realistic where as the XP-G R5 made the tree trunk look more blue than brown.
Many of the Quarks and the NiteCore EZ series were available with neutral tints, but I don't know if there are any new ones available.

As for other neutral tint lights I have:

The JETBeam Jet 1 Pro v.3 is available with a neutral tint. This a great little AA light with a good deal of throw and tight hotspot, and quite bright on "hi" for an AA, I'd estimate 90+ lumens on an L91 or Eneloop. It also will accept the SureFire F04 diffuser, so you can give it a pure flood beam as well. You can pre-set three levels of light, including blinky modes, but you can omit those just as easily.

Many of the other JETBeams are available with neutral tint emitters, bu I have no experience with them.

The NiteCore EX10 SP is available with a neutral tint emitter. A nice little light, with a good compromise beam, adequate throw with some usefull spill. I'd guestimate i'ts putting out 110 lumens on "high" Three preset levels and blinky modes, but they are out of the way.

The EagleTac P100C2 is available with a neutral tint emitter. It has good throw with considerable spill as well. Two levels. I'd estimate it puts out 160 on "high" and 40 on "low" (which really isn't). Good for mid-range (20' - 100') outdoors. Not so good for upclose work.
I know exactly what you mean. Neutral tint LEDs and incandescent lights just don't show their benefits at all when indoors and shining on white walls. Once you get outside in the wilderness where there are a whole rainbow of different colors lurking in the darkness, then WOW - they really do have their benefits. Like you, it took me a while before I discovered that too.

I just bought a Fenix TK20 as my first neutral white LED light because I was looking for something that was durable, ran on AA cells, could fit in my backpack easily, and had a low price. Since I got it for just less than $50 shipped, I think that it's a pretty good deal. Others are right though, it is a bulky light especially considering that it only uses two AA batteries.
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The ones that I would personally put straight on the must buy list for nw lights would be:

1: Zebralight H501w
2: Fenix TK20
3: Eagletac T100C2 MkII OP nw (currently the nicest tint and beam profile of any of my lights, although I would prefer a slightly wider spill beam)

Also, if you are half as happy with these as I was then I would also strongly recommend the Nitecore EZ123/EZAA in warm white, and a good Solarforce l2 with a Nailbender 4000k xp-g module in it. :thumbsup:
quark is coming out with warm XP-G's which should be nice.

Yep, had to have this one too. I scored a quark warm/tactical with single 123
body on the marketplace. It was in the mail when I came home today. I did a quick function check installing my D10 clip. I can see this light getting A LOT of pocket time. All the warmth of an incan with NONE of the artifacts, I LOVE IT.
Ok there's Neutral and then there's WARM. I'm no expert on the color temperatures, but I KNOW that neutral is not as warm as warm. I just hate green! The new 4sevens lights are a nicer tint than any light I own, even the other 4sevens neutral lights I have.

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My Quark beam shots from left to right
1. single 123 Ti tac........R5
2. AA2 regular...............R2
3. single AA regular........Q3 neutral white
4. single 123 tactical......WARM

Picture is only to try showing the difference in tints. I am by no means a photographer.:laughing:
Congratulations, you've seen the light! ;) I love the warms. They are so pleasing to the eye.

I just ordered a WARM SST-90 drop in from Nailbender. It should be good with over 500 warm lumens of goodness.
The JETBeam Jet 1 Pro v.3 is available with a neutral tint. This a great little AA light with a good deal of throw and tight hotspot, and quite bright on "hi" for an AA, I'd estimate 90+ lumens on an L91 or Eneloop.

My Jet 1 Pro v3's neutral tint appears to fall somewhere between 4500K and 5000K. The light also readily accepts a 3.6v 14500 li-ion cell, producing a gratifying blast of light on high, and much more usable light at the low and medium settings (at whatever levels you choose to set them). So although it will be able to use 1.5v or 1.7v primary cells, you'll be happier using the li-ion cells instead.