Have a look at the Pink Panther (created by SilverFox & Milkyspit). It successfully solves the typical problem of red deficiency in the LED spectrum by using 1 red LED with 3 white ones.
Another excellent solution is an Aviatrix mod (replacement LED ring) for an A2, using 1 red LED and 2 white ones.
However both of these are custom solutions. There are various other lights available with colored LEDs such as red, amber, yellow, orange etc, but none that succeed in emulating the natural white of a good incan AFAIK.
I am confused when people describe their lights as "whitest" of all their lights or something of that sort. What IS white? Are you telling me that your light emits wavelengths exactly as the sun does? So when you take a piece of paper outside in the daylight and shine your led light on it, you don't notice any tint?
I've used Cree WH's and SSC USVOH's and feel that they are still on the cool side of neutral. One can totally tell that the light is produced from and LED because they produce a bluer tint than an incand. This is especially true when you see someone far away that is using an LED. Someone borrowed my light last night to look for something on a field, it was using a USVOH emitter ("warm" tint compared to most). From a distance, you would never confuse the light with an incand.
Anyway, the way I look at it, "warmness" is all relative to the eye of the beholder.