WE 6T vs 6A


Newly Enlightened
Dec 17, 2008
As you can see I am new to this site and Wolf Eyes lights. I am in the market for a general patrol use flashlight but am also interested in becoming involved in the sniper team at my department. Either way I go will be rechargeable due to cost. The two flashlights I am interested in are the following:

WE 6T - http://www.pts-flashlights.com/products/product.aspx?pid=1-140-3-7-6029

and the WE 6A - http://www.pts-flashlights.com/products/product.aspx?pid=1-139-126-127-6445

I like the idea of the red LED tailcap on the 6Tfor preservation of night vision/less visible.

On the 6A I like the brighter bulb and the ability to have multiple modes. I would probably go with the four mode bulb.

Any comments would be very useful. Also, is it possible to put the led tailcap on the 6A and it still function between the multiple modes properly?

Thanks in advance
As you can see I am new to this site and Wolf Eyes lights. I am in the market for a general patrol use flashlight but am also interested in becoming involved in the sniper team at my department. Either way I go will be rechargeable due to cost. The two flashlights I am interested in are the following:

WE 6T - http://www.pts-flashlights.com/products/product.aspx?pid=1-140-3-7-6029

and the WE 6A - http://www.pts-flashlights.com/products/product.aspx?pid=1-139-126-127-6445

I like the idea of the red LED tailcap on the 6Tfor preservation of night vision/less visible.

On the 6A I like the brighter bulb and the ability to have multiple modes. I would probably go with the four mode bulb.

Any comments would be very useful. Also, is it possible to put the led tailcap on the 6A and it still function between the multiple modes properly?

Thanks in advance

Welcome and have a good time........

You have shown two different types of light here, an Incan with a LED tailcap and a LED with four levels......How would you be using this light, what distances, on/off the rifle, for general use only, outdoors/indoors, city/country......Incans and LED's are used for different applications
I work patrol in a mostly suburban city with a little wooded/country area. Searching large area fields, houses, buildings, etc as well as vehicles. Off weapon (for now at least) mainly as a substitute for my full size light.
I think you should go for the Raider 9T Almost double the output (200 lumens) and just a bit longer than the Sniper. The LED tailcaps are great also.

If you wanted to go LED then the Raider 9AX Premium R2 Cree Multi modes and 280 Lumens.

......More of what he said.......The Raider is a good compromise between output, size and versatility.....good choice of lamps, can use either 3x primary cells or 2x rechargeable's and isn't that much bigger than the Sniper. Lots of LEO's are very happy with this light.