We have a WINNER
Merry Christmas CPF
Pick a number between 0 and 500 and the closest without going over will win a McGizmo EN Mule.
That easy.... My 11 year old son will pick the number Dec.28 at 10:00 PM CST and I will contact the winner.
I wish everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday season
and The BEST of LUCK in 2009
CPF has good to all of us let's keep it that way
*if the winner is a no show i will pick a new number*
Merry Christmas CPF
Pick a number between 0 and 500 and the closest without going over will win a McGizmo EN Mule.
That easy.... My 11 year old son will pick the number Dec.28 at 10:00 PM CST and I will contact the winner.
I wish everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday season
and The BEST of LUCK in 2009
CPF has good to all of us let's keep it that way
*if the winner is a no show i will pick a new number*
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