Weak Streamlight Stinger


Newly Enlightened
Oct 12, 2010
I've got a basic Streamlight Stinger. I bought it 3 years ago, at the urging of an employee at an overpriced uniform store. I paid too much. Even from day one, it's performance was more indicative of $40 than the $120 I paid.

It's beam has been very yellow for the past 1.5 years, and it's battery pack dies after only a few minutes now. My kids aren't even entertained by it anymore.

I reckon it's decision time:

1: Buy a new battery pack for a light that's never impressed me.

2: Upgrade it with a LED, new battery pack, and hopefully get something more impressive, since I already spent too much money on it, and money for web gear for it.

3: eBay it.
CPF Marketplace or ebay. Someone is always looking for a Stinger and then do a search of the CPF review section and upgrade to something better. :welcome: