web design help needed


Jun 6, 2003
Hi, i was wondering if anyone could help me out with a little problem im having with my site.

Any idea why is it that when my site is viewed in either IE7 or FF2, its perfectly fine like this:

But when viewed in IE6, a scroll bar appears at the bottom (red arrow) even tho the pade within the iframe isnt spaning across the display area. In fact there's a good 30+ pixels of free space on the right margin.
Try putting your page through this: http://validator.w3.org/

If it comes out fine, i.e. conforms to the standards, then it's most likely some erratic behaviour of the IE6 due to Microsofts somewhat random interpretation of some standard or another. You could try working around that, but IMVO if people are fish enough to surf with broken software they don't deserve to see the pages as intended.
Try looking at what your display is as far as %. I think CPF is set up to be like 95%? Make sure you use % and not actual pixels.
nowonder, i set up my page in pixels instead of percentage. thanks alot ill try that out :)
Try turning on the borders of the various elements. Sometimes they'll get bumped out by blank spaces or tags inside of them. Turning on the borders will let you see what's going on.

Frames are evil. You should avoid them whenever possible.
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