weird ebay problem ...


Jan 10, 2005
Texas, USA, Earth
I just won this item on Ebay, link to Mectal MX-500 , but instead of the seller wanting to honor the $10.70 listed in the auction for Priority Insured USPS, on his invoice he is charging me $23.76 - more than twice. I have requested a new invoice total, but this never happened to me before. Weird, isn't?

I did send the buyer an email asking for the correct invoice, but I keep getting back the same "inflated" s/h charges.

I think that what happened is that the seller is not realizing that their auction auto-calculates s/h for my zip code. Maybe they are using text/settings from an older auction without realizing it.

I just send the buyer two screen shots from their auction that clearly shows how much is s/h to my zip code ($10.70), but I suspect that the buyer will still not want to honor their terms :(

Oh well, I will simply buy other one from Ebay. Many to choose from :)

So that you don't get neg FB for not paying I'd contact him directly by email - not through an invoice link and explain you will pay the shipping originally quoted in the ad but not double or more. If he directly opposes that I'd take it up with ebay dispute but try not to get yourself a neg FB on the deal because he's an idiot.
matrixshaman said:
So that you don't get neg FB for not paying I'd contact him directly by email - not through an invoice link and explain you will pay the shipping originally quoted in the ad but not double or more. If he directly opposes that I'd take it up with ebay dispute but try not to get yourself a neg FB on the deal because he's an idiot.
That is exactly what I am doing. I am emailing directly back and forth - not through Ebay links. Like you recommended, I already stated that I "do" want to complete the transaction, but only for the terms as stated in the auction. I sent the buyer the screen shots so that he/she can "see" what I see in the auction page, clearly stating what I have been trying to say by email ;)

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What do you get if you go to the "Pay Now" link for the item itself?
Does that give you the correct shipping amount or the inflated one?
AndyTiedye said:
What do you get if you go to the "Pay Now" link for the item itself?
Does that give you the correct shipping amount or the inflated one?
That is "exactly" the problem - it does not give out the correct charges. When I click on "Pay", I get a new s/h charge ($20-some bucks) instead of either of the ones listed under the auction ($10.70 for USPS or $14 for UPS). I would not mind paying for USPS or UPS as per the auction, but the invoices always show the much higher $20+ s/h charges :(

In the lower left side of your "My eBay" there is a dispute console link. It sounds like your best option may be to resolve this with the help of eBay.

I was in a situation before where the seller didn't think she got enough for her item and wanted me to pay more in order to receive it. It was resolved through eBay. I never got the item but her account was suspended.

Good Luck
Just go to Paypal and pay directly. Don't use the invoice. Just copy and paste the item number when you pay and enter the correct shipping amount. Based on the fact they have been a member since '03 with no negative feedback I don't think you need to worry. Good luck!