Weirdest thing you've done with your flashlight?


Dec 6, 2005
New York City
We're all guilty of this in some form or another, being crazy flashaholics. What's your dirty little secret? What's a weird thing you do, or have done with your flashlight(s)?
This discussion might be better for the underground...
Not particularly weird, but I've used my D10 to crack open a beer from time to time.

BTW, this thread would probably be more successful if you shared your own weird story first.
You don't want to know :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup:

Seriously though, I havent used it for anything weird.... what did you have in mind?
Okay, I'll admit to one right now...

Any flashlight that I trust to work when I need it has gone through the "water intrusion and rain simulation test" -- taken into the shower and used instead of the bathroom light. So far it has helped me to identify one light that was improperly sealed.
Okay, I'll admit to one right now...

Any flashlight that I trust to work when I need it has gone through the "water intrusion and rain simulation test" -- taken into the shower and used instead of the bathroom light. So far it has helped me to identify one light that was improperly sealed.

Guilty of that too...and yes, my wife knows...glad she's understanding...
Okay, I'll admit to one right now...

Any flashlight that I trust to work when I need it has gone through the "water intrusion and rain simulation test" -- taken into the shower and used instead of the bathroom light. So far it has helped me to identify one light that was improperly sealed.

I do that as well, to see if my Romisens are weatherproof...They are.
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In an attempt to revive this thread, I'll say one more...

While a young lady and I were... uhh... enjoying each other's company, the young lady saw fit to use the flashlight I wear around my neck as a handle of sorts...
Once, while working as a loss prevention associate, I threw a mini-maglite at a get-away car (and yes, they got away from me). Didn't even have enough OOMPHH to break the window. Sigh.
In an attempt to revive this thread, I'll say one more...

While a young lady and I were... uhh... enjoying each other's company, the young lady saw fit to use the flashlight I wear around my neck as a handle of sorts...

Considering your methods of courtship I don't think she had a choice in terms of whats left to grab as a handle. :ohgeez:

Probably not the weirdest but I wanted to experiment with night fishing so I used an E01, ran a line to join the hook and I flyfished with it, reeling it back in on occiasion beforecasting it out...near the surface of the channel you can actually see the fish beneath it, but none had a interest in the towing bait under the light. I hope the next generation E01s should resemble a shrimp and has extra rings on the body for me to tie hooks on

Dad wanted to cut a branch off the oak that was hanging too close to our roof, and wanted me to see if I can rope a chord around the top of it so that as he chainsaw it I can maneuver it away from the roof overhang. After a couple failed attempts I grabbed my surefire M6, fixed a square knot on the heatsink fins, and tossed it over. It went over before a "clonk" on the roof and landed on the lawn. No scratches to the finish but had mom run out of the front door thinking the branch hit the roof
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In an attempt to revive this thread, I'll say one more...

While a young lady and I were... uhh... enjoying each other's company, the young lady saw fit to use the flashlight I wear around my neck as a handle of sorts...

I hope you didn't use a breakaway lanyard!!!! :whistle:

As to the wierdest things I do with torches?

Well, I work in Film and Television sound. At work we have a few 'Boompoles' around with mic clamps on the top. On occasion, if someone goes to the bathroom in reception I would switch off the main lights - insert whatever torch I have to hand ( a process of elimination which takes some time - you understand ) and when my colleague exits the Loo they find themselves illuminatated from above and followed by this madman with a torch on a stick. Mostly they find it funny. They do know about my torches at work...

BTW - they look great with their mobile overhead lightsource!
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Also, in response to Darvis, maybe I should start carrying a MiniMag to throw at people?

I grip the neck of the bottle about 1" below the cap, position the edge of the bezel under the cap, and push down on the tail end of the light, prying against the back of my thumb. It's pretty effective, and with the leverage, also easy and painless. Maybe I should post a video.

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