Well I think I just "outed" myself at work today! haha


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2008
I've been carrying for several months now but haven't really used it at work yet. Today I was standing around with a few other guys and they were talking about something wrong with one of our machines. One of them said something to the effect that I should take a look.

Anyway, it was semi-dark inside the machine housing, so without really thinking about it I pulled my light from my pocket and shined it inside, much to the amusement of the other guys! :laughing:

It took me a second to realize what was funny until I remembered "oh yeah, what I just did isn't normal behavior for most people!" I may not be a flashaholic yet but I seem to be well down that road!

I guess my secret is out now -- At work I may soon become known as another one of those infamous "guy with the light" people that are found all over CPF. :wave:
My coworkers tease me a lot (not in a mean way) because of what I carry around with me. One time I took my suit jacket off and one of my coworkers moved it aside and she said, "damn, your jacket is heavy" :whistle: I never reallly thought about it since I've always had a lot inside my jacket ... typically, I have

(1) Blackberry & HP Rx5915 GPS/PDA on left chest pocket
(2) Wallet & ipod on right chest pocket
(3) Flashlight, usb thumbdrive, eye drops on left front pocket
(4) Leather Juice S2 Multitool, and pocketknife on right front pocket

The funny thing is, everytime they ask to borrow my light, they always forget how bright they are and have an initial shocking look. :nana:

Edit: The flashlights I carry is L0d on my keychain, but in my jacket I alternate among Novie 120P, NDI, and Incendio.
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Hmm, same happened to me but i got my boss interested :)

Now when ever he needs battery\led\driver help he comes to me. Then goes off and makes something entirely different.
My friends know I am the guy with lights, knives, tools, but in public I keep quiet unless it's an emergency.
to Stress_Test --

I enjoyed your story. :)

May i suggest . . . .

Always carry a Fauxton in yer' pocket, at least while at work.

When the "leeches" come up to you, and ask:

"Hey, lemme' borrow yer' Flashlight !",

you can simply hand them a Fauxton,

and not worry about their "carelessness".

The other day my coworkers and boss caught me looking at cpf.com during my break... they think I'm a freak now :)
Reminds me about the time I was over at a house my friend is fixing up. He was showing me around and outside there was an old well (with the roof over it, etc) and I looked in and couldn't see the bottom. So without a second thought I whipped out my Fenix P2D and blasted it down the well, much to the surprise and amusement of my friend. Hopefully as these small pocket rockets become more common more people will carry them in their pockets, etc.
You seem to have forgotten to mention which flashlight you were carrying!

Hahah, don't get excited, it was just a 2AA MiniMag Led. :D

I've been EDCing this one a lot, along with a 1AA Task Force 1Watt Luxeon.

I know there are newer and brighter lights out there than the Mini, but for the price and simplicity, I really like this light! Carried head up in a jeans pocket, I can draw it out with a few fingers gripping the head, then flip it up into my hand and turn it on, all in a smooth one-handed motion.

I guess this "quick draw" is part of the reason the other guys found it funny. ;)

Oh, and if anyone REALLY wants details, the Mini is used with Energizer e2 rechargeables, 2500mAh. I've had really good luck with these, and picked up another 4-pack recently on sale for 8 bucks(!) at Kroger. Be sure to look for the package that specifically says "Holds charge 40% longer". Perhaps not on par with Hybrids or Eneloops, but plenty of shelf life if you use them somewhat frequently (I've never gone without using them for a real long time yet). Plus you get a bit more mAh too. This concludes my shameless product promotion! :whistle:
I'm sorry to hear you got sucked into the Energizer 2500 cell pit. They are perhaps the worst NiMH cell ever made.
I'm sorry to hear you got sucked into the Energizer 2500 cell pit. They are perhaps the worst NiMH cell ever made.

Admittedly, just one consumer (me) experience isn't statistically useful for determining if a product is good or bad...

but for what it's worth I've had NO issues with these cells whatsoever.
I guess this "quick draw" is part of the reason the other guys found it funny. ;)

Don't feel bad...I can "draw" my G2/6P from the "holster", flip it in the air to my opposite hand (I'm left handed), and switch it on in less than a second...of course my other hand always tend to go into a "pistol hold" on top of it (Surefire/Rogers technique)...yeah, the guys at work get a kick out of it...until they need to borrow a light :thumbsup:
Great story Stress Test!:laughing: You really are a flashaholic!

I think once you make 100 posts it will display "Flashaholic" under your user name.

I carry my lights everywhere I go.
I like taking a big spotlight but when I need something small I take my Cost 3.44 watt LED Lenser;)
I got a chuckle out of your story... Is it just me or does this suddenly feel like we're all part of a geeky (from my gf's perspective but cool in my mind) fraternity 'cos I totally understand how you feel? :eek: