Well....Photon ReX delayed yet again!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 22, 2006
I just spoke with PhotonLight and was told that they hoped to get a "small" shipment in 2 weeks before Xmas. With the LRI track record, I would not hold my breath on even this. Bummer!!
I'm glad he posted. If Photon would put an announcement on their site or forum, then we'd all know what to expect. Instead, we're left hang'n and wondering. Thanks for the update.
Why am I not surprised?
Oh yea... this always happens with LRI/Photon Lights :rolleyes:... thats why.
However I can't fault the lights they have always been worth the wait, and another wait, and another wait in the past.
I don't own any LRI products (since their price is about five times what I'm willing to pay for such lights), but from what I'm reading it seems to me like it's not the first time they delay lights for months.
Why don't they just adopt the "it'll be out when it's ready" philosophy? It would seem like a wise thing to do...

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