Flashlight Enthusiast
Yeah , I saw something on U-tube and I had to buy one : WP803B
Oh dear ! ... It's supposed to be a flipper ! & It does flip if you loosen the blade to slop levels !
Tighten the blade screw till there is no slop and the knife does not flip open !
I tried some corrective measures and crushed one of the Nylon caged bearings ! ( My fault ) .
Ordered some replacement bearing ( metal caged ) . I'm seriously thinking of just removing the flipper tab and going with a two handed opener !
Edge retention : Factory edge ! Around 300 slices it was showing wear ! But the knife hung in there till 500 slices . Not bad for a factory edge and the edge actually did a little strop back . Hmmmmm !
Also the knife is a little bushcrafty ! Scrapes wood and ferro ! But the spine would want some sharpening to be more bushcrafty !
So ........ Not a fidget friendly knife . Decent edge retention , a little bushcrafty ! The jimping on the spine Hurts ! The flipper tab hurts when scraping wood !
I guess that makes the knife a potential pain giver ! It wasn't expensive , so I wont worry about doing mods to it !