WF-139 springs falling off metal tabs


Oct 2, 2007
On my unit the springs keep falling off the metal tabs so I have to open the changer and put then back on. Has this been an issue for any other WF-139 owners or is my unit faulty? It seems to charge correctly but it's a pain to open and put the springs back on. I plan to treat is more delicately. If you do have this problem then have you found a solution or did you just replace it with something better? Mine was a cheap purchase from DX.
Nope I havent had that problem yet. I got mine yesterday and am using it for the third time right now. I have to say it the charging tab arangment sure looks rather chintzy. I hope the wiring inside isnt as bad because of the nature of the batteries that are charged:poof:.
My charger had one of the metal tabs break at the 90 degree bend. I use it to charge 18650 and 17670 cells, and it has always been a tight fit. It didn't take long for the tab to weaken and break. So my two bay charger is now a single bay charger.

FWIW, I bought mine from the Fenix Store (now
Im glad it hasnt happened to me yet......i charge all kinds of batts for my lights and the spring has been holding up fine so far......have you tried curling the spring into the hole and put a little solder to keep it in place.
At least you can get your batteries in....

I got an WF-139 charger and 4 Trustfire 2500mah 18650 protected cells...they won't even fit in the charger. I would literally have to damage the batteries to get them in.

It had a lot of good reviews and was the more expensive charger at DX so I thought it'd be good...I was wrong :sigh:
The black 2400 mah Trustfire 18650 are a tight fit on mine too. The labels are getting damaged on the positive end. I guess my unit has substandard springs so now I take the batteries out slowly to reduce recoil. The springs are longer than the size adjustment opening when set to the shortest battery size. When I push the tabs to that size then they fall off.
Nope haven't had that problem, although 18650's are a tight fit.

I'll I said, the Trustfire 2500mah protected cells are too long for this charger. I have to mod the charger or find something else
I have an HXY charger that i like to use for my 18650' problems at all with fitment. Its the one right next to the on the pic for a bigger pic.

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So thats whats wrong with mine..... Im going to take it apart and look at it.. lovecpf