WF-600 and WF-500 bulbs for P60 modules???


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
well I just noticed this....

The WF-600 and WF-500 bulbs that KD sells look very similar to the bulb portion of the Generic G&P P60 xenon module (the reflector is threaded on the rest of the bulb.

So the question is..can anyone that has both try a compatibility???

thanks beforehand, kostas
I know for a fact that the WF-500 lamp is physically much bigger than the standard P60 xenon lamp. I wouldn't be suprised if the same is the case with the 600 lamp, but I haven't actually seen one.

If you really wanted I guess you could rip out the base of a P60, bore out the reflector and put the larger lamp in.
hmm I understand you about the need to bore out the hole on the reflector but what I was actually asking about is what is the thread pitch and size on the WF-500 & 600 assemblies.

Reason is that there are aftermarket xenon modules with a reflector that screws off....Thus I am exploring the possibilty of a match between them..

Can anyone measure it????
While it might be physically possible to fit the R500/600 bulbs into a P60 reflector module, however with almost no reflector left to shape the beam and the top of the bulb protruding past the edge of the reflector, a) the beam will be crap, b) screwing down the lens and bezel will be impossible, c) forget any of the 2 or 3 cell bodied flashlights because the R500/600 bulbs current draw would be 2.8A-3.3A so you'd have to use 2x17670 or 2x18650 Li-Ons, thus how many 4cell P60 style flashlight bodies are out there? Very rare, apart from a few Ultrafires, Smartfires etc... whose tailcap clickies would melt under such high current applications.

So I reckon its really not worth the hassle... getting a Ultrafire WF500 from DX or KD for around US$27 shipped would be a far less PAINFUL experience.
hmmm so much for draming a incan flood monster!!!!!
thanks man, I never thought the bulbs would protrude that much...