What a flashaholic to do when there is a really misty fog outside...


Dec 23, 2005
Made In Canada
I just happened to look outside and saw a calm really misty fog, I then grabbed several of my throwy lights and went outside and had fun pointing them up and comparing the spill and spot width of course :crackup:

One reason why I am still up I suppose...
I just happened to look outside and saw a calm really misty fog, I then grabbed several of my throwy lights and went outside and had fun pointing them up and comparing the spill and spot width of course :crackup:

One reason why I am still up I suppose...
I grab a real flashlight: an incandescent light. Leave the LED toys for minor indoor tasks.
You should see what an aspheric light can do in the fog…..:devil:
Sorry, they SUCK. They just don't have the proper color spectrum to get the job done. Aspheric LEDs are just laser toys with horrible color rendering and extremely limited usefulness, to me they are useless. There nothing out there that comes close to my incans.
lol.. I was more concerned with having some fun and not taking too long as I realized after a while, a major highway and a community Police office (that is now staffed mainly by RCMP) were both nearby. I do have access to a ok digital camera but it does not always want to behave in settings and would revert after each shot.

I grab a real flashlight: an incandescent light. Leave the LED toys for minor indoor tasks.
I did have one incandescent light, a Streamlight TL-3 powered by 2x17500. Much more wider spill in comparison to the Cree lights I was using.
I grab a real flashlight: an incandescent light. Leave the LED toys for minor indoor tasks.

Sorry, they SUCK. They just don't have the proper color spectrum to get the job done. Aspheric LEDs are just laser toys with horrible color rendering and extremely limited usefulness, to me they are useless. There nothing out there that comes close to my incans.
Wow. I don't remember this being about incan vs led. Fog + throwy lights = fun. Doesn't matter if they're incan or led. Relax.
Yes as I was not concerned with colour rendition but more with how some of my lights looked liked with the spill and spot and having some fun. My Raidfire Spear certainly had the thinnest of the beams. Not everyday you get to easily see what the flashlight beam looks like.
A while back I was working in Tonapah Nevada and it was 4:30am when I got to my job site. The air was full of mist and snow flurries. The KL1s had just been released and I got one for my E2D. I used it to illuminate the security gate and the tight beam just hung in the air. The refraction was so intense the beam looked solid enough to climb on. I did the light saber Star Wars thing. It was beautiful!

When its foggy outside I always grab the brightest light I have on hand to goof off.
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