What am I doing wrong? (charging q)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 11, 2005
Trieste, Italy
I bought a Hyperion 5i AC/DC charger because I was tired of having a lot of different low-quality chargers for all my cells and just wanted a single charger that could do the job well.

It seems to have some trouble charging my RCR123s, though.

I just bought a new cell, discharged it at 200ma and it gave 223mah before getting to three volts, whereupon the charger signalled end of discharge. Fair enough.

I then set it to charge at 200ma, but the charger only managed to put 220mah in it before signalling end of charge.
That's even less than it drew while discharging!

I've now resumed charging at 100ma and it seems it's putting more energy in the cell.

I was under the impression LiIons could be charged up to 1C. The cell in question is marketed as 850mah, but in reality I think it holds about 600. So I'm charging at 1/3C, and yet it can't fill it up. Why?

Edit: the cell is unprotected.

Edit 2: it doesn't even get to 4.2. The charger just signalled end of charge after putting in another 110mah, and the cell wasn't even at 3.9 volts.
What the heck? Is this a bad cell?

Edit 3: started yet another charge at 200ma and it appears to be charging correctly... now. I've no idea what's going on.

Edit 4: it put another 220mah in and stopped at 4.1 volts.
I'm seeing a pattern here. It seems to always charge exactly 110% of the set charge rate. Then again it might be a coincidence, but still.

Can anybody make any sense of this?
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Ok, I started yet another charge and it finally got to 4.2, switched to CV and put another 87 mah in the cell before it was charged for good.

The only problem is, it took it four attempts to fully charge it.


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