What are good scooters to buy in Southeast Asia?

Gran Nismo

Newly Enlightened
Nov 15, 2006
New England
I will be looking to buying a scooter for a friend down there. I was told they are around $1000. I am assuming used. What are decent brands sold down there?


- Granni
The price probably refers to new 50cc scooters. They can be *very* cheap.

I'm afraid I can't recommend a brand. I know what's good here in Europe, but I'm not familiar with southeast Asia :p
There's alot depends on what you are looking for, and also the availability at the location you are buying from. IMHO, i should say stick to japanese brands. Parts are not too hard to find, and you have quality too.
In singapore, Piaggio X8 and X9 is very popular. seldom hear complains of problems. i personally like the Honda Silverwing 600 and the new MP3.
Depend on the country a lot. I spent some time in the Philippines and found that the best brand to get is whichever one has a local dealer so you can get spares easily. You could pick up quite a nice new one for a thousand dollars though you'd be better off picking up a tidy second hand one as it was less likely to get stolen. Buy them a BIG lock and tell them to chain it to something solid any time they leave it.
Good idea. I will have to see for myself there. It's hard to get answers for yourself when you are not there. I try to not get myself duped into anything. Whatever I get, you will see it.

- Granni