What are you going to power with the new AW "C" cells?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2001
Houston, Texas
They are finally here!!!!!

Now that AW is selling the Li-ion protected "C" cells what do you plan to power with them?

I plan in using mine in a FM 2.25 C cell with a ceramic socket and a WA 1111 or ROP Hi

BTW, AW has already sold 10% of the stock in just 2.5 hours!!!!

I am gonna grab some for my ROP-LE's, both high and low. Should give me increased brightness over my 18650's.

What charger is everyone gonna use for the "C" cells?
I have been using a MRC superbrain 969 configured to charge Li-ion, it can give me charging currents all the way up to 6 amps, I can charge 2 cells at a time, I can set the C cells to charge at 1.5 amps for a 1/2C moderate charging rate. I wonder what the cutoff is set on the PCB of the C cells, 4.10, 4.15, 4.20+ Volts? the AW 18650 usually cut between 4.15 and 4.20V on this charger.

I plan on using them with the Phillips 5761 bulb in a Mag 2C. I will just charge them with my DSD using magnets and wire, but at a faster rate due to the higher current power supply (850 mA). It should take about 4 hours to charge one that way.
I am really considering buying a couple of these to power my 2C ROP Lo, but I would change it to a 2C ROP HI since the new C cells can power up the high output bulb with a single click! :rock:

I am slightly hesitant to buy them though since I don't know how to charge them and have never used any kind of charger besides ones that are similar to the DSD, where you can place the cells right into slots. Could someone show me what charger is the best for these cells and tell me exactly how it works?
I read that the triton charger is one of the best, but I don't have one to tell you how to use it.

On my MRC I set the current to about 1/2 Capacity and monitor the voltage and current, When the voltage hits about 4.10 I start checking the current for the cutoff, The cutoff on my charger goes from the set current to Zero when the battery is done.

mudman cj said:
I plan on using them with the Phillips 5761 bulb in a Mag 2C. I will just charge them with my DSD using magnets and wire, but at a faster rate due to the higher current power supply (850 mA). It should take about 4 hours to charge one that way.

To charge my Emillion Li-ion D-cells, I have been using the DSD charger with
a "kludge job" consisting of a piece of 2X4 on which are mounted (2) Radio
Shack single D-cell battery holders plus a terminal strip and associated wiring.
To connect the DSD, I used a piece of wooden dowel with screws and crimp
type terminals with clip leads on each end that are clipped to the 2X4
terminal strip. The length of the dowel is obviously the same as an 18650
cell, and the particular dowel that I used needed some electrical tape
wrapped around it at either end so as to approximate the diameter of an
18650. To upgrade this contraption for my incoming AW Li-ion C-cells, I
plan to add (2) Radio Shack single C-cell battery holders, which seem to
be long enough to accommodate the longer length of AW's cells.

Yes, this charging setup takes a *long* time with the DSD and D-cell
Li-ions, but it works, and is considerably less expensive than a Triton (or
equivalent thereof) plus 12VDC supply. I expect it to also work with AW's
cells, but not take quite as much time.

As a point of interest, I also use an 850 ma supply with my DSD (Nokia). It
speeds things up considerably (relatively speaking!), but with the 850 ma
supply, my DSD terminates charging just above 4.00V. What I have been
doing is to charge with the 850 ma supply until the DSD stops charging,
then use the DSD 350 ma supply to top things off at 4.17V or so.

I used my Maha C777 Plus with wired magnets to charge D Lions. It took forever but terminated at the proper voltage. For my new C cells I will use my new Triton.

As far as usage-The skys the limit. I plan to to have fun.
max52 said:
I used my Maha C777 Plus with wired magnets to charge D Lions. It took forever but terminated at the proper voltage. For my new C cells I will use my new Triton.

As far as usage-The skys the limit. I plan to to have fun.

Hi MAX52
I have the same charger .What v does it stop at.

BTW 3-C with 1166(one of the lights FM was selling)
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FM 2.25C ROP-Hi. I was using 2 x protected 18650s.

I took the protection off one of the 18650s and managed to get them into a standard 2C. I believe I'll be using my 2C HA-III for the ROP-Lo LE.

I'll be charging the C Li-Ions with my eStation BC-8 (still hoping for D Li-Ions) as well as the now unprotected 18650(s). I'll be modding the DSD I have to be just a battery holder to be connected to the eStation.
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I want to use my C size li-ions for:
Two cells WA-1111
Three cells WA-1185 or WA-1331
Maybe even the WA-1164.

I already have a Triton. So I am all set!

Jimmy, I am also hoping for some D size Li-ions.
Dont give up the quest!
Does anyone us the "Lithium Multicurrent Universal Fast Smart Charger" that is for sale in the Group Buys section? I was told that it will work, but how exactly does it work? Would I have to mod anything or would it work with the C cells when I would receive it? I really want to make a 2C ROP Hi but I have never used a charger that charges cells like this one. Please explain. Thanks :)