What are you reading?

Just finished "To Kill a Mockingbird". One of the finest books I've ever read. Now I'm reading "Revolutionary Road" by Richard Yates.
Looking Backward 2000-1887 Edward Bellamy. A man who fell asleep in 1887 and woke up in the year 2000 and describes what it's like. How did he know? Eerie!
"The Coffin Dancer" by Jeffery Deaver. The same characters and author as "The Bone Collector" which was made into a movie starring Denzel Washigton and Angelina Jolie.
The Wreck of the River of Stars by Michael Flynn. This is my dose of science fiction for the month. Kind of slow moving, but well written.

Just finished 'Forever Free' by Joe Haldeman, Still reading 'Generation Kill' by Evan Wright, interspersed with 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'.

They make intriguing bedtime companions - first 'GenKill' for a bit, then when I'm too appalled for sleep, some Potter and sweet dreams - although I did have a Dragon induced nightmare the other day!!!

'....Expecto Patronem and fall on yer ratpack!!'

Be lucky...
I finished the Hobbit (again) a couple weeks ago and before that The Children of Hurin. Both are fantastic of course.

I am contemplating picking up the Silmarillion (again) or Unfinished Tales (again). I get on Tolkien kicks sometimes. September is around the corner after all.

I have a couple volumes of "The Civil War: A Narrative" by Shelby Foote. I'm thnking about tackling them but then I'd have to finish the whole series. Not sure if I'm up to that right now. Does anyone know if they're any good?

I also want to pick up "Fly Fishing the Solitude: Montana". It's $19 at Amazon so I may add that one to my permanent collection.
Alone by Robert Byrd because I like the book and Cryptozoology from A to Z & The Atlantis Encyclopedia for reference books.
kind of switching between Charles Stross's new book "glass houses" and Judas Unchained by Peter F Hamilton. Peter writes really really long books but excellent space opera if you like that sort of thing. So far it's highly enjoyable.

No fantasy or non-fiction in the offing right now. I picked up a couple of the books by Carl Sagan that I've been meaning to read forever, the demon haunted world and the dragons of eden but I haven't started them yet. Sitting here on my bedside table looking pretty until I finish the Hamilton book ;)
Anybody read "The Rogue Warrior" series by Richard Marchinko? Lots of fun, entertaining angry humor.
I normally only read Fantasy: Tolkein's Lord of the Rings, etc.

A friend who knows me well recommended Jim Butcher's Dresden books.

I just finished the first one "Storm Front"

Very good book; LOTS of action, and very well written. I hope the rest of the series is as good.

For those not aware, the Sci Fi Channel did a series based on the Dresden character, which I thoroughly enjoyed. (The Dresden Files)

Several people I knew who had read all or some of the Jim Butcher books said the TV series wasn't as good as the books, but then a 'one hour' TV show is only 42 minutes long.
I read the dresdin books. The first ones were highly enjoyable. He has really gotten better as an author with each one and the last couple were really fantastic and had me laughing late at night and reading long after I should be asleep ;) It is a very good series! You wont be disappointed with the rest of them either.