What battery-powered LED option is almost like GITD?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 7, 2007
OK, that's an odd way of asking the question, let me try again: If you want a small, dim glow (like you get with GITD or Trit options), what battery-operated light is the next most similar thing...super-long run time, very compact, dim glow?

I travel lots, wake up in dark hotels, sometimes am disoriented, and am considering a small all-night spark of light to mark the surface where I laid my glasses and flashlight.

Yes, I know there are GITD options, and tritium, and I may go that route, but I'm curious, what's the battery-operated option...super-long runtime, very small, battery-powered? Something like a really dim Photon or triple AAA light that could run for days, putting out just a little spark of light?
maybe try a photon micro, just have it on its lowest setting (a batch of like 12 batteries (6 of which will work) from DX is like 5$) and it will run FOREVER...
maybe try a photon micro, just have it on its lowest setting (a batch of like 12 batteries (6 of which will work) from DX is like 5$) and it will run FOREVER...

I dont think that the clones that DX sells have the variable brightness feature like the original, so they will be too bright.

EDIT: Just saw that the original just costs 12USD, that's a steal!
Anybody know how low low really is?
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Im not sure about running for days and days and days on end,but these do run for a heck of a long time


and Krill Lamps/lights (whatever you want to call them)

The Lithium Glo-toobs are rated at 40 hours on a primary 123A (i assume on low) constantly on and the Alkaline (23A 12v Supers) ones 30 hours.. and they give off 360 degrees of light...ive handled some of the Alkaline ones, they ARE pretty bright. From what i see, they consist of multiple leds at the base, and a cylinderical(sp?) reflector that reflects the light out sideways, and more importantly, they come in white.The advantage with these is that they have multiple modes, so if you need some really useful light, they provide that too. They are supposed to be used for diving, so they are very waterproof, with the twisty cap that is, they dont reccomend using the clicky underwater. Take note though, the UI (user interface) will take a bit of getting used too.. But then, the Photon Microlights UI isnt out-of-the-box simple either.The only problem i really have with these are that the batteries are not always readily available, you might even say proprietry.

Krills are slightly bigger, and to me dont feel as solid/rugged as glo-toobs to. AA Krills are rated at 120 hours. AAA are 25 hours. I have never turned on one of these, so im not sure about the realworld brightness. Krills are basically supposed to be electronic lightsticks they also come in white, but the biggest advantage is that the battery type is a regular one.

The Cheapest alternative would be to get some Cyalume lightsticks/glowsticks (whatever you want to call 'em)

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I second the glo-toobs...I have one that hangs on a lanyard on my bedpost set on the lowest setting..my wife appreciates it when I don't have to turn the light on when I am getting ready for work early in the morning..I just throw it around my neck and it gives me hands free light to find my wallet etc....:candle:
My Novatac 120P has a locator mode option that lets a blink of light out the front every 3 seconds with no "noticeable" effect on the battery.

Good luck finding what you want.
You could probably get a Zebralight P4 and run it on low mode... it should have a ridiculous runtime (3.5 days on a Sanyo 2700mAh AA) and it will put out very little light. Not quite GITD little, but... it's certainly the dimmest settable light I have. Durable, and useful too, if you decide you want to use the bathroom in the hotel room without turning on the lights. My Zebralight goes with me whenever I travel, it's too convenient not to.
There is no other option, it has to be a Safe-light Superbright.

One by bed, one in bathroom (backup), is what I do, in Hotels.

You get around 80 hours on low setting, so you could even keep it on low, for a week.

I keep the bedside one, on glow, pointed at my watch. Just enough illumination.

It's also a useful guide back to bed in the pitch black, if you don't take it with you when you visit bathroom.

I take it with me, saves that annoying fan on noise if you put bathroom light on, too bright also.

When you pack, don't forget the coin to fit in the slot to replace battery !

Plus AA (Cree ?) etc for outside hotel day or night. Never know when the power will out.
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Daekar, actually for truly ridiculous runtime, those pal lights are second to none....:D

funny, i forgot those existed, ill have to update my " to buy" list

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Get a novatac 85p (or 120p if you wanna shell out the dough) and reprogram the lowest setting to 0.08 lumens. It's enough to notice it by at night and it'll probably run for MONTHS.
If all your are after is low light with a very long run time, why not just connect a small low-power LED to a couple of R03 or R6 (AAA or AA) batteries in series. that should give you up to a week or so worth of constant light on alkaline batteries, maybe more.

edit: choosing an LED with a low Vf you will even get away with one battery and no resistors
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Those PALights look great - sounds like a perfect travel companion to me, and that "constant-on" thing is pretty cool! I might have to pick up one or two or three or four or five of those.... :naughty:
I have a Pak-lite with high and low mode that I use when I travel.The low mode makes a great night night. www 9voltlight.com

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