What can I use 2D Halogen bulbs in?

american lockpicker

May 29, 2008
West Virginia, USA
I just bought 2 2D halogen bulbs what flashlights can I safely use them in? I have a 2C Maglite and a Plastic Energizer Industrial 1251 will they work or will the bulbs be too hot for them.
They will be fine. C cell and D cell lights usually use the same bulb. Now if you were trying to use them in an AA based light...... the heat might not be an issue, but they would usually kill the batteries too quickly.
Actually tried this in the little industrial 2AAs. With good NiMH, it's actually a very nice little light with excellent beam quality and a nice high color temperature. Alkalines die fast like that though, and I'm curious about the 1.7v voltage-compatible lithiums to maybe overdrive the bulb a little - it didn't instaflash, but I'm not sure about runtime and if it'd be worth it (L91 cells are expensive!)

... come to think of it, this would make a great cheap car light.