What did you use your flashlight for today?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 23, 2008
Zebralight H51w as flashlight at work everyday.

Quark HCRI Mini AA as headlamp at home everyday.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 19, 2012
Mounted 2 Jetbeam BC25s on a segway for some night trail runs. It was awesome.

One of my friends commented, are you trying to light up the forest with your segway? lol


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 14, 2009
Montreal, Canada
i went to a customer for a proposal, he was working on something with a small light. I pulled out my Warm Mule and lit up the area very well. He was appreciative.

iron potato

Aug 1, 2011
Happen half an hour just now, a group of neighborhood safety patrol team were after a thief, which were spotted on a roof of nearby neighbor, they saw some foot prints on one of the disconnected rain water piping, after I heard some talking on talkies, without any delay, I quickly went outside along with my TK35 & F42 which is always nearby.
Some of them were using AA size flashlights, which not quite to shine around the area.
Few of the members were impressed by the TK35, they ask me to "lend" them awhile (I know they want to play with it) after awhile police arrived, they ask me to shine around the alley & trees (but we all know the thief were long gone by now) one of the Sergeant tap my shoulder & say "nice lights u have there" after around 10mins of searching, time to call pack up & go.

Although we didn't get the thief, but I'm so glad to have my flashlights put into good use in my neighborhood, thanks to Fenix and Xeno, and also thanks to cpf'ers which guided me to get good quality flashlights :thumbsup:


Newly Enlightened
Jan 29, 2012
Used my Maglite XL100 to inspect the interior of a 3D Maglite while installing a Malkoff upgrade. Works in my 6D Maglite also, but with the Terralux 140 lumen upgrade in there, I use the big boy as a dedicated thrower.


Jun 6, 2011
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
While being at a friends house, I had to use the bathroom. While I was in there somebody blew the main fuse, leaving me in the dark, but not for long.
My Fenix E05 came in handy once again.

It was a funny situation: Here I was sitting in a nicely lit bathroom, and I could hear the other people in the house swear and yell to each other if anybody had a flashlight. I just sat there, listening to them scream and stumble around, smiling. :) Even louder swears came flying by when my friend burned his thumb on the flame of his lighter. LOL :hahaha:

After I finished my bathroom business, I came to the rescue. My TK15 was used to light up the living room, and my E05, LD01 and PD31 were used when and where they were needed.

I don't think anybody there will ever make fun of my flashlight hobby again... ;)


Newly Enlightened
Mar 6, 2012
Zurich, Switzerland
Cool story, which reminds me, I sometime use my Lummi Raw SS in the bathroom at friends houses if they have horrible lighting in there ;)

Turn on, tailstand, done!

even with all the fuses in place I think my light really is just perfect to make me feel comfortable :)


Aug 17, 2011
Used my L0D to check the input voltage of a laptop I got for free.
Looks like a bad cooling fan on the laptop, which means I need to spend 50 to fix it (no hdd in it.)


Jun 6, 2011
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Yesterday at another friends house, I had to use the bathroom. While on my way he wanted to warn me the bulb had blown:
"Hey, there is no light in th... Ah, never mind."
Another use for my trusty E05.

I'm getting known as an 'enlightened person' among my friends. :)

At work, a colleague had to search for something in the (only dimly lit) archive room, she used my LD01 to help her see what she was looking for.

And my Fenix TK41 was used to win a bet.
Somebody claimed he had the brightest flashlight ever, a Maglite 4D with a LED. I told him there are a lot more powerful flashlights out there.
He was like "Nonsense! Not possible!" My reply was: "Wanna bet?"
His friend told him not to accept, but he did.

He turned on his Maglite, and I turned on my TK41 on medium. "See? This baby destroys your light!" I then switched to high, at which point both lights were almost equal. He started to look sideways at me: "How the [bleep] did you do that?" I told him this light has 4 brightness levels, and switched to turbo, thus destroying his light. ;)
He was 'not amused' and grunted at his friend: "You knew this, right? Why didn't you warn me?" That friend simply said: "I did..."
After that, we all just laughed. :)


Oct 6, 2010
The Netherlands
Today I had to search in my parents' garage for the bench of my old dog, since we got a new one today. I used my Fenix E05 to light up the darker corners in the garage. After dark we let the puppy outside in the garden. I used my Olight T20 to keep an eye on him, since we do not have lights in our garden.


Aug 27, 2006
Last night, I stopped by one of the better Pizza places near me to get some dinner for a loved one and I.

Walked out with a large pie, and two meatball calzones with pizza sauce. When I paid for the items, something seemed wrong. The clerk whom I usually deal with seemed a bit odd. Decided to check my order over by my car before driving off. Used my Peak Eiger S.S. single-AAA keychain light. One setting, only about 13 lumens. But more than enough on the nearly pitch black side-street I had parked on. Checked the calzones. They remembered the sliced meatballs, but forgot the pizza sauce.

Oh well, I have pasta sauce at home; and didn't feel like bringing it up. (If you own a diner or any type of eatery, and I come to you to complain about something; then there has been a monumental screw-up that you need to be aware of immediately.)

The Peak did an excellent job of giving me a peek inside, before I drove off.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 24, 2012
Thanks to Roger999, I'll be using my McGizmo Al Mule to look under the toilet seat before sitting down for "#2" tonight. Brings back horrible nightmares I had as a kid after mom let me watch Kingdom of the Spiders, with William Shatner. At the end of the movie, the whole dang town is wrapped in a freaking cocoon!

Nice going Roger! :candle::mecry:

I just walked around my house to check for spiders... with my newly attained Quark 123 2


Newly Enlightened
Mar 24, 2012
My aunt who is a truck driver was showing me her new flashlight. She thinks it is bright and she uses it to help back up the big rig and for other things. She bought it at an autoparts store. It is an LED keychain light two of them for $5. She saw my little tiny 4Sevens Preon 2 in my pocket and was joking me about my little, tiny, cute flashlight. She challenged me to a flashlight duel. Well, what was I to do? After all I could not miss this chance to have some fun. We go outside in the darkness and she says well lets see what your little pen light can do, so I turn it on LOW. By this time she is picking on me in a fun way and turns on her light and starts to gloat, she is having fun. So now I turn the Preon up a notch, which of course puts her light to shame, so that shut her up. Well just like Mythbusters I could not stop there, so I go for HI, and that un-shut her up. What she said I am not going to type here. Needless to say I had fun with that little, tiny, wimpy Preon two. :)

Great story!

I literally just died!