What did you use your flashlight for today?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 3, 2011
Put the diffuser wand on my Xeno E03 and hung it over the food table at out campfire all night last night. Lit the area like a champ, but on low it was low enough to maintain a good campfire atmosphere. Also got several comments on how cool it looked ;).
Hey CPF!

I thought maybe we could get a rolling thread started. Just let everyone know one or more things you used your lights for on the calendar date you are posting.

Feel free to use the below posting format, or if you only have time for a quick one liner that's alright too. ;)

Flashlight: RA Clicky High CRI
Used For: The low low setting on my RA was used to check on my injured pup while she was resting. Didn't even know I was looking in on her. :thumbsup:

So, what have you used your lights for today?

Surefire e1b, used to peek inside a chainsaw housing to find a fuel line that had fallen off the primer bubble.
I use mine to find the cats toys every night and to get around the house or the take some trash out before I go to bed. This is a every night thing with the cat or she cries all night. I use my house lights very little at night and just use my flashlight most of the time and for those middle of the night bathroom visits, if you were to look at my windows at night it probably looks like a burglar casing the place. I like to watch TV in the dark so its easier to just use my flashlight than to turn the lights on when I get up. And I am using it right now to post this before I go to bed all the cat toys are accounted for.
Decided to give my car it's six monthly clean out and found an Energizer triple pack I got REALLY cheap under the drivers seat.

It's one of those packs where you get a flood to throw torch, a triple Nichia led headlight and a keychain light, all with batteries.

Stashed the headlight in the glove box, flood to throw light in the cupboard downstairs and the keychain light on my B.O.B.

Gotta love surprises.
Used my SR3 for looking down some pipes to see which ones were bent (all of them) and will use something with a low low for toilet trips throughout the night
Quark 123 to charge up the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling for the kids before they went to bed.

Quark AA and Romisen RC-C6 set on flood for cycling to the gym at night.
I used my E1L to check on my son before we went to bed and again when he started crying in the night. He's only 2.

It's always wise to be able to see where you're going when you go into his room, never know when you'll step on some pointy toy or stub your toe on a fire engine......
used my z3 with m61 to blind some suspects who decided no to pay attention.
Fenix L1T v.2 at 0145h this morning to put a (now empty) bottle of Australian Shiraz in the kitchen before crawling off to bed after having watched Avatar. All the house lights switched off hours before.

I've been using this light for house duty constantly for the last three months. It's a very good single cell battery vampire so I bring home handfuls of 'dead' AAs from work to drain the last photons out of. We test all cells handed in by staff on an Ansmann tester and anything under 40% goes in the recycle bin, anything over 40% goes in a 'part used' box. Only trouble is nobody but me would be interested in part used cells since capacities that low are only good for small LED lights. I end up with more than I can use but am loathed to get rid of them until they are really clinically dead. Last night/early this morning the L1T v.2 was running on an Energizer Lithium that was so low I got no reading at all on my home ZTS tester three days ago, and yet I still have high and low modes. I usually find that once high has gone, I have one evening left on low before the light flickers and then there's no more juice to relight if I switch off. If I leave it on, then it struggles an hour longer before falling off the lithium cliff. I guess it might soldier on even longer with an alkaline.
used my catapult for F.O.D check, then walk-around inspection of a jumbo jet.

used my quark 123-2T R5 for working inside the cabin, and final walk-around inspection.

used my zebralight 501w hands-free to organize my tools into my tool bag.

used my quark mini 123nw on my keys to close the driveway gate, and make sure i dont step on any dog poop! (very important):twothumbs

used my surefire E2DL to light up the neighborhood trees while im having a smoke in the backyard:rolleyes:
I picked up one flashlight by my computer to see if it worked...yep..and then picked up another ...it worked too!

It's light until almost 10pm now...I just don't need a flashlight all that often. I do have and use the house ceiling lights however. :)
USE: to get upstairs from the office, didn't want to turn on the lights and wake up my pup last night

USE: Check to see if a door was locked down a long dark hallway.
SF Titan on low for getting ready for work, Haiku XP-G on high for verifying a water pump leaking in one of my Crown Vic's... That's it so far, but the day is young.
New Jetbeam jet-i v3 r2:

Daytime -

Looked in a mousehole on Med
Looked in a different mousehole on Max
Looked for some car parts in shed on shelves on Med
Looked for some paint cans in shed on shelves on Med
Loooked inside an engine manifold on Med
Looked inside the garden shed for a shovel on Med
Looked inside a lizard hole (bearded dragon) on Max
Took lizard to woodpile and watched him crawl under wood on Med

Nighttime -

Scared the 3 horses back out of creek on Max
Checked the cockatoos in their aviaries on Med
Checked and locked up the machinery shed on Med
Locked all the gates on Med
To woodpile to bring in wood for fireplaces on Med
Took dog out to its toilet on Med and Max
Took dog out again later to its toilet and bed on Med and Max
Into paddock to check rainguage and reset min/max thermometer on Med
Will go out shortly to check yards, paddock and cockatoos again before bed on Max and Med.

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