Run times are usually to the point where the light is producing practically nothing. Coast/Led Lenser is very (in) famous for cheap construction, completely overinflated runtimes, no regulation, etc. Bottom line, Coast/Led Lenser lights are direct drive (read: maybe a resistor) garbage that hugely overpriced for the light output, quality, etc.
Save yourself some embarrasment, and look at some nicely reviewed lights, such as Fenix (the LD20 is great), Olight, Jetbeam, Novatac, etc.
Oh, BTW, heres an example of an explanation I gave my father the other day at Loews...
He was looking for a new work light, already had a Coast "Hokus Focus" (which he dropped the other day, ~2' on its side in a carpeted office, no longer works), and was looking at getting another. The sale price was $49. So I looked at my dad and said, "Dad, you really like borrowing my Fenix, right, 'cause it's well made, and usable, right?" He said yeah... I said, "Well, remember that long conversation we had before I got it, about how spending $59 on a light was too much? And now I have a very nice, well made, well regulated light, that you've borrowed several times right (borrowed on a two day trip to a power plant in West Virginia, where the tech shed for environmental controls is poorly lit)."
And he replies, well, yeah... So I pulled out my Fenix, turned it on turbo, held it at shoulder height (~ 5'6''), and dropped it on the concrete floor. It's still working, btw. And then I said, "Now you're saying that you're going to spend $10 less on a light that isn't as nice, well made, or warrantied, and, as you just witnessed, crash tested, and the last one broke after falling on Carpet. Now, you're always justifying those expensive tools you like purchasing, because they're well made, and last. So just stop and think about that light for a moment..."
He hasn't bought a new light, yet, but I'm plugging Fenix!
Anywhooo... Point is, that many other manufacturers make much less expensive products that are much better. The final decision is up to you, just make sure you're aware of all the facts going in, so you aren't burned.