What Flashlights for Duty (Police Work)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2002
Greetings! My flashlights are as follows:

-Streamlight Stinger

-Streamlight PolyStinger

-Streamlight SL-20X (with SL-35X LA)

-Streamlight UltraStinger

-TigerLight 8" (FBOP version) on order

I plan to have one in the house, one in my wife's van, one in my pick-up truck, and two in my unmarked warrant car. Now the question is which flashlight(s) for each application and why?
You have all the flashlights listed above? Sure gives you a good variety for different ocasions.

IMHO (I am not a LEO)

House: Ultra Stinger
Wife's Van: PolyStinger
Pick-up Truck: SL-20X
Warrant Car: Stinger and Tigerlight

Here's my reason: In your home, the ultra stinger could be mounted on a wall or something for long range target identification. In your Wife's van, I am sure she wants something light that can be used easily and stored in the front dashboard compartment (what's that place call? Glove Box?)
In your pick-up truck, the SL-20X can be a bright enough light for changing tires and so on (okay, a tad possibility that it's too bright) and for your warrant car, you will want something light which you can carry with you all the time (Stinger), and you will want something to overpower the person you are trying to arrest.

Please critisize my choices in a constructive way too? I want to learn.
i formerly had a streamlight sl20x with sl35 lamp in my truck which is being replaced by my '11 tigerlight on order in the house i have a pt40 and e2e. e2e is my edc ofcourse.
Sorry but all those rechargables leave you at a disadvantage. You should have a lithium(non rechargable)powered light as a back up. You can get Streamlight Scorpions at Botach for 24.00 plus shipping. I would get 2, one for wife's car and one for backup to the tiger light (or whichever) for work. The Scorpions have a spare bulb on board and can sit in the car unused for years and then spring into action.

I really like Surefires but I also like having a spare lamp on board.

Stay safe.
I LOVE my rechargeables (saves a TON of money). I use the MagCharger for work with usually 1, rarely 2 fresh charged NiMh battery sticks to shove in at the hint of reduced battery life. Backup is ALWAYS the scorpion and dangling from that pouch is the tec40(for dimmer detail). Sometimes I take different lights depending on the situation but that is the USUAL. *light.. aaaahhh*
I prefer the SL20X for winter patrol duties because the switch is so easy to find with gloves on. Also the department will supply lamps, switches and batteries.

My Ultra Stinger is a better overall performer but it's recessed switch is a problem. I've ordered the tailcap switch and I'll evaluate it soon.

My Surefire 6P has had a place on my duty belt for 12 years and has never let me down. Great for daytime vehicle searches, etc.

Hi Al,
not sure if this is the one (I just came across it when searching for a dimmer), but it looks nice...

Now a versatile tailcap switch that varies intensity and extends run time for the popular SL-20X™ and SL-35X™ (also fits the SL-20™ and SL-35™). Easy to retrofit without any modifications, the Digital Flasher/Dimmer accessory replaces the existing tailcap. Push and hold the tailcap switch to adjust the light intensity to any task. Double click the switch for "flash" mode and you can extend the run time up to 200%.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">My Cop Shop has them for US$16.50

Hope this helps,

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