What happens when you give a kid a light of choice.

maxa beam

Feb 26, 2006
So my neice is about 9. I think. She knows of my hobby. She calls me lightman. She visits every now and then.

One day she asked me to borrow a light to take to show and tell, cause they were doing the behavior of light in school. Well, my lights stay by my bed, excluding my Novatac 120P, which I have on me always, even when I sleep. (I've showered with it a few times. o_O). I, ofcourse, agreed, and told her to pick one out and take it home. So, I was going to clean my Beast II the day after that, when I noticed it's absence. Hmm. Wonder who could of gotten that.

A few days later she shows up to hand it back over, and I asked her how it went. She told me the teacher fell over when she shined it into a mirror and it hit her teacher in the face. Hmm.

Now you know, always remove your HIDs from the area before a kid comes over.

Good thing she didn't get the Maxa Beam. o.o
Ouch, that must have stung.

She certainly made a good choice, though ;)

Yeah. I'd of thought she'd of picked the Novatac, as she messes with it every time she visits.
Wonder what this kid is going to have for a collection in twenty years. :)
Yeah it is pretty common for kids to get the best thing, My niece keeps asking me to give her a light, it wouldn't be a big deal for me however she doesn't like surefires or fenixes she wants the Ti Customs. So i end up giving her a S/S Dragonheart :D