What is Nichia's answer to the Luxeon 5W


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2001
Houston, TX
What is Nichia\'s answer to the Luxeon 5W

As an "end user", I am trying to get ahold of what's in the marketplace. I keep reading all the hype about the current Luxeon's, and how exciting the concept is, but then I read about "limited availability", and "color variations", and the "green pea" color on some of the LED's.

I know that with any new technology, the bugs and kinks have to be worked out. I would guess that the "limited availability" and the "color problems" are probably related. I would bet that once the color problems stop, the production will go into full gear.

So besides Luxeon, there is Nichia. Do they have an equivalent to either the current Luxeon or the new 5W luxeon?

Are there any other competitors in this arena?

This way I can evaluate my options when buying a new light.
