What is the best brand of budget lights?


Jan 17, 2009
There are so many names, Romisen, Ultrafire, Solarforce, Small Sun, Uniquefire, Akoray, etc. I have heard some say that Romisen was better than the rest but I have also heard people say Small Sun is good and Solarforce as well.

Any truth to this or is luck of the draw and dependant on what model you buy?
Romisen all the way. I have heard good things about SF lights and i didnt think they were even considered as a budget light.
I agree with alfreddajero: Romisen is the best budget brand, nothing even comes close! and I also agree that Solarforce has broken thru as a mainstream producer and not a "budget" manufacturer.
I only have experience with Ultrafire and Romisen. They both seem to be machined well and they both can have their issues as well. I don't think QC is all that great with any of the Chinese lights. They can usually be made to work with a little going over though.
Smallsun ??????

*.*Fire , all of mine have been good .
Romisen = About the same as the *.*fire .. I own both and there about the same ..

Akoray - Very much depends on the model you buy .

Solarforce = Fighting way above its weight class [ L2 models ] Best buy in 09
One reason these brands are less expensive is that quality control can be spotty - and a well reviewed and successful model may be modified to reduce production costs - see the tales on the Ultrafire C3 stainless steel models and the Akoray K-106 programmable.

In my experience the first ones made are usually the best.

That said, I've never had a dud Romisen but have had universally bad experiences with MTE lights.

Others regard MTE as one of the better brands though - experiences vary.
I am not sure I would class ITP as budget, just very good value.

To me a budget light is one sold directly from China, with lower QC. Any light sold by a European/US dealer should have decent QC or the dealer would not stock them due to excessive returns. Do those cheap lights in the local DIY stores have a 10% failure rate?
I am not sure I would class ITP as budget, just very good value.

To me a budget light is one sold directly from China, with lower QC. ...

:thinking: So you think that brand and product recommendations in the Budget light forum should be of poor quality junk with an unacceptably high failure rate?

So I can't recommend a $14 Fenix E01 in this forum?

If this is what moderators had in mind for this new sub-forum.. I don't think I want to be in here.:eek: I really hope CPF moderators don't want a "junk-light" sub forum on CPF, DX has their own forum for that.
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:thinking: So you think that brand and product recommendations in the Budget light forum should be of poor quality junk with an unacceptably high failure rate?

So I can't recommend a $14 Fenix E01 in this forum?

If this is what moderators had in mind for this new sub-forum.. I don't think I want to be in here.:eek: I really hope CPF moderators don't want a "junk-light" sub forum on CPF, DX has their own forum for that.

Agree. Budget should be based on cost. Heck, over time, I expect to start seeing premium/elite lights and budget lights meet in the middle....premium lights getting less expensive and budget lights improving in quality!
I really hope CPF moderators don't want a "junk-light" sub forum on CPF, DX has their own forum for that.

wow - I guess one mans gold is another ones' junk. I love my Fenix ld20+, but I sure use the heck out of my cheapos too. There is a price-point for everything....some of them (cheapos) actually offer good value for money IMHO.
wow - I guess one mans gold is another ones' junk. I love my Fenix ld20+, but I sure use the heck out of my cheapos too. There is a price-point for everything....some of them (cheapos) actually offer good value for money IMHO.

Agree, a budget light forum should be about getting the most value for your $$$.

If you read the comment made by LeifUK, he is of the belief that this forum should be a place to recommend poor QC and high failure rate products.

I don't think I belong in this sub-forum.... I'll just lurk I guess:p
I would call the itp eos I just got a budget light (along with the rest in that line). I also own a ss ultrafire c3. Other than all Romisen lights, those have been the standout budget Chinese stuff.

The little aaa romisen on dx (with the crenelated bezel) is one of the best buys ever. That is my budget buy of the thread.:party:
nothing wrong with an E01. you CAN do more for the money...A20 is about the same size...:cool:

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