What is the LED light with the best throw, using common AA or AAA cells (1.2v - 1.5v)


Jun 27, 2006
This is good value

actual 130 lumens output
9780 lux throw :eek:
21 bucks


Anything else this good or better?
thats a great price, but the "best" throw comes from something with a "aspherical" type lens in it
like at 15 feet a 14" spot, and little spill.
Problem is with all the throw on an aspherical its almost completly useless light, cept for spotting skunks a block away :) because if you go wallking with it, it lights a small spot on a path.

the cool thing about the subminature aspherical lenses is they havent been all Horded yet.

another example, is the mag aspherical, it will put out a focusable 14" spot on something from 25 FEET away. and the concentration of light will show up during the day, with ONE single led (cree in this case)
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Aspheric mag running 3AA NiMHs in D-cell holders (like mine) has the best throw using AAs (except for Long John's cyclops), plus it (and all aspheric mags) can be defocused to a wide diffuse flood.
you CAN make a single AA aspherical (pocket), surplus shed still has the lenses, and for little costs.
they have 2 small lenses that will fit 2 styles of SMALL flashlight heads.

a Coast focusing can be modded to aspherical with a 50c acrylic lens (halfmoon) from tap plastics.

in both instances you have to drop the led position down a bit, that is the biggest change and effort required, other than that its a simple mod, that not enough people have piddled with. that is why i mention it, the mag has been "done" often, but the mini aspericals are possible too.
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thats a great price, but the "best" throw comes from something with a "aspherical" type lens in it
like at 15 feet a 14" spot, and little spill.
Problem is with all the throw on an aspherical its almost completly useless light, cept for spotting skunks a block away :) because if you go wallking with it, it lights a small spot on a path.

the cool thing about the subminature aspherical lenses is they havent been all Horded yet.

another example, is the mag aspherical, it will put out a focusable 14" spot on something from 25 FEET away. and the concentration of light will show up during the day, with ONE single led (cree in this case)

The River Rock 2AA is one of these type. It's the only one of it's kind I have, and it seems to have decent throw, if nothing else.
Of course the streamlight propoly's have a nice tight beam also. The luxeon 1 watt is trailing edge tech though.
The 1 watt Luxeon Streamlight 4AA out-throws almost every Cree or other modern emitter I own, except for a couple with turbo heads. "Throw" means "center-axis flux" in this case.

That light is nearly useless looking for a dropped screw in the carpet, but if you want throw, with AA batteries, in a cheap light, the 4AA is hard to beat.
I haven't seen the Streamlight Propolymer in action but from the data on Flashlight Reviews (3000 lux at beam centre) it's hard to say it'd out-throw the 3 AAA Kai light I posted (9780 lux throw). maybe it's in the same range as the single AA MTE (3000-3700 lux throw)?

What is the Streamlight Propolymer price and where can I get it from?
I haven't seen the Streamlight Propolymer in action but from the data on Flashlight Reviews (3000 lux at beam centre) it's hard to say it'd out-throw the 3 AAA Kai light I posted (9780 lux throw).

Part of the reason for the discrepancy is that Doug at FR.com typically reviewed lights as soon as they came out. The SL ProPoly Lux underwent a considerable increase in brightness over time - the one I bought last summer from Fox Intl produces ~4500lux at 1m, with equivalent increase in overall brightness compared to Doug's.

Note that I have a large number of lights in common with Doug, and except for this light and my Surefire L2 (again purchased a year or so after his review), all my other lights are bang-on matches to his results. This makes sense, since most of the lights I bought new as soon as they came out. In cases where I went back and bought a second light at later time (e.g. several Fenix luxeon models), I've seen for myself how output can be increased by up to 50% over that sort of time frame.

As for the Kai light, I have the earlier lux version from last year, and it was pretty close in throw to my SL ProPoly. However, I suspect Kai's numbers for the SSC version are slightly inflated. I've modded a number of the high performing DX/Kai lights to SSC and Cree, and typically I don't see more than 30-50% increase in throw, assuming to you can the focus right. Also, note that the lux version of this 3AA light was notorious for flickering problems (including mine). I doubt they've resolved that issue on this SSC model.

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