What is the throw on the Quark 123^2 Turbo?


Dec 17, 2009
How far does the Quark 123^2 Turbo throw?

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This is a pretty impossible question to answer, because it is so subjective and dependent on current conditions. The Quark Turbo throws adequately well, bit I wouldn't call it a dedicated thrower; the beam isn't tight enough. In my experience, it will light something up well in excess of 200 feet, but beyond that it really depends upon ambient light and the clarity of the air, etc.
in an open paddock with my 123-2 Turbo I can clearly see a light coloured ten inch diameter fence post at between a measured 150 and 160 yards (varies dependent on conditions).

If I hang a black tyre on the post I can almost make it out at that distance but really need to come in to 140 - 130 to see the dark object clearly.

If one just wants to see trees then they can be seen dimly at about 170 - 180 and reflective signs (totally, completely and utterly pointless as such a test is) can made to glow at 300 - 400 maybe more just I don't have any that are further away than that.

As was said in the previous post, it's very subjective, it's very much dependent on what you're looking at in terms of size, colour, background and conditions including ambient light and of course it's also going to depend on how well one sees at night (I see extremely well at night so others may not get as much distance out of the torch).

If it's of any worth as a comparison, my Led Lenser P7 easily beats the Turbo 123-2 by at least thirty to forty yards even on half used eneloops.
no kidding, that is a pretty impossible question to answer. i'll try anyways, hopefully you'll be familiar w/ some the other lights i'll mention. it out throws nearly all my other tactical lights. it out throws both of my Malkoffs and those are equipped w/ the 8 degree optic...i'd say the hotspots on the M30/60 and this Quark are about the same size. it pretty well matches my LX2 in terms of throw and has more substantial spill but the LX2 has a hotspot thats nearly twice the size.

its not what i would call "purpose built" throwing performance but it still caught me completely off guard the first time i turned it on. the beam is absolutely flawless. definitely one of my smarter light purchases.
One of the runs I try to do now and then has me in a "normally lit" area (frequent street lights) as well as half of the houses with lights on outside.
One of the cross streets on the far end dead-ends into a field, there are a bunch of signs / construction blocks in front of this field.
With my 123^2 R5 Turbo, I can light up those signs bright as day! But, the vegetation around the signs do not light up.
I used Google Ped to figure out the length of this street - came back as .285 miles (>500 Yards).
I wish I had a test such as this in darker conditions (no street lights) but I haven't been in any of those situations since I got my new torch.