What light competes with the Kroma?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 7, 2005
What out there is an across-the-board competitor with the Surefire Kroma?

Just wondering!

Looks like a lot of people are passing on answering this for the moment, so I'll give it a shot. The A2 Aviator is probably the best and closest in the mass produced linup. I say that because you can have the lower powered floody output like the Kroma, albeit only in one color at a time plus a higher powered main beam for throw.

There are also some lights built by private individuals that offer both multi-LED flood plus a bright main beam. I am not "into" those products, so I'll leave others to provide the details.

As far as I know, the Kroma is unique in its multi color flood LED and the two stage low and bright throwy main beam category.
Kroma's in a class by itself imho. The A2 Aviator approaches the ballpark. By that rationale, the Streamlight TwinTask is a newborn that *might* play little league someday.
<< Kroma's in a class by itself imho >>

I agree. I think of the Kroma as a specialized low powered tactical light. Its claim to fame is not high output. What it does is offer a range of long runtime low powered illumination with a moderately powered high beam on demand. It definitely is in a class of its own.
I do not think that the Kroma has any real compitition for what it does. It is a very unique light.
In terms of being an LED light with multiple LEDs in different colors.... only found one light that comes close. (Barely close, that is).

Coast v6 Recon model. (LEDs ---> 3 white, 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green).

I own one. The single red LED works well, so do the 3 white ones. The blue and green are horrible. Each color gets a small switch located near the head. Found mine at Radio Shack for $40.

Overall: You're better off saving up for a SF Kroma.

Pic of Coast Recon model....
Hello 10mmWiseman,

That Tamahawk MC looks very interesting... Can you tell us more about it? Do you have, or know someone that has one?

Hello 10mmWiseman,

That Tamahawk MC looks very interesting... Can you tell us more about it? Do you have, or know someone that has one?



I don't know much past what their site says as yet. I do have their other product "The Liberator" and I am very impressed with it. I plan to pick up the Tomahawk MC and take a look for myself sometime soon.
That Tamahawk MC looks very interesting...


Taking a closer look at the link, I have to agree. But the tiny size of the light's multiple switches, and needing to put a finger through the retaining ring makes it less than ideal as a true tactical light. Reaching for a light when you're in a hurry and your adrenaline is pumping.... a 6P style light with one big thumb switch, and one level of bright output in an open-top holster still seems more ideal.

The Tamahawk looks more useful as a small general purpose light. Or, a PentagonLights MOLLE on steroids.
Hello Monocrom,

I have never used a "finger" held light. That design may be interesting to think about, and I may eventually have to try one out.

Hello Monocrom,

I have never used a "finger" held light. That design may be interesting to think about, and I may eventually have to try one out.


Greetings Tom, Please include a detailed review if you decide to get one.
Well, after talking to them for some time, I decided to try one out...

It sounds like a very interesting light.

I've been working with the First Light Liberator ST for about a month and it is pretty neat. Well made, with a lot of thought into design features.

The Tomahawk with the multicolored LEDs looks like it would be great for infantrymen, and possibly law enforcement who work in a more tactical environment--though not necessarily for shooting scenarios but other tasks.

However, like the Surefire Kroma and most other Surefire lights, my primary criticism of First Light products is their price. Enlisted infantrymen--the private first classes and specialists, even the Special Forces First Sergeants and SEAL team Master Chiefs, aren't highly paid. $200 and up for a flashlight is a lot of money to these guys, especially if they have wives and children. I think they should save their pennies and get high quality lights, but they usually have different priorities.