What light(s) do you keep in your car year round?


Oct 29, 2007
my friend knows that i'm addicted to flashlights and told me he wanted to buy a maglite for his jeep because they make a holder specifically for the mag.

needless to say, i will not let him buy a maglite. i know they have their place, but with a budget of $50, i know he can do a lot better.

so, what lights do you guys keep in your cars/trucks?

i guess it would have to be able to:
- handle year-round temps (-10 to 95 degrees)
- handle abuse from being dropped, etc.
- function as a true work light (good grip, small enough to fit in tight places)
- multiple useful modes (high/med/low - no strobe or sos please)
- be under $50

this will be his first foray into LED's, so i'm sure he won't be too picky, but i will do that for him.

i keep my task force 2C in my glove compartment, but i might swap it with my surefire L1 that just sits in my house... unused.

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I keep an incan. G2 with the yellow body in my firebird. Used to rock out the 3D mag when I was a delivery driver - great for addres spotting, just had to expect to replace teh batts twice a year (usually both times during winter).

G2 is much nicer, and I can keep 10 extra batts + flashlight and still have less weight and volume than the mag.
Can't go wrong with a G2, maybe stick the low power Malkoff in there, or get the G2L. Load it up with primaries and it should be ready when needed. If you get the bright yellow G2 it will be easier to find if you have to get out to change a tire, etc, and drop it in the mud, snow, etc.

Missed the $50 part and CPF crashed before I could fix it last night. :)

Could just go with the incan G2.
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i keep my maxfire lx in my jeep all the time with some spare batts. for your use i would get a p60 compatible light and put a multi-mode led drop in in it. if you need something tougher i would go with a 1 or 2 123a fenix(it does have sos and strobe but they can be avoided).
I have as my car light an Elektrolumens Blaster 1R modified with a seoul P4 and a 5 mode driver.
I used to keep a Tekna Splashlite LS (as a super simple long running and reliable waterproof torch) in my previous car, but forgot to take it out when I sold the bloody thing. Now I just keep a P2D P4 in there with a primary CR123. Note to self - take it out before selling this car.
I have a 6 d mag in the boot,(that means trunk to you yanks:))
A fenix L2D Q5 and a SF 6p incan in glove box.
Often carry a big GMC 12volt 10,000,000cp spotty if going far from town at night.
:) :) :)
Lumapower LM31 with Lithium AA. Long lasting, dual mode, simple, can drain an Alkaline very low too.

Nice emergency light!

That and an Arc AAA clone in the ashtray!
Let him get the mag with a good LED drop in for it. That'll give him crazy brightness and loooong runtime. Plus he'll get to use the mount he wants which to him is like buying an accessory for his Jeep.
I keep a G2 with a Cree R2 drop-in from DX in my door tray. Got it coated in Blaze Orange with the same stuff they put on ATV's and whatnot. Lots of runtime, Lithiums for cold weather use and long storage times. An extra bonus is that they can be had for fairly cheap. I got my whole setup for under $50(17650 li-ion included).
Well, sorry about the Maglite for this one, but my favorite glove box light has been a Mag-3D with Elektrolumens MT-III drop in.

The MT-III drop-in is a great compromise between brightness (no slouch at 600 lumens) and runtime at 5+ hours on one set of batteries.
I change the batteries to a fresh set each year at Christmas (easy to remember), and with a 5 hour runtime, I know that there aren't many situations that I could get in on the road where that one light couldn't take care of all sorts of unexpected business, from changing a flat, to finding a dog who wandered off, to signalling if stranded, and even as a defensive weapon if need be.
Although, I hope I never have to use it to read a map. :eek:

That's not to say that I don't often have other lights with me when I'm on the road, but it feels really good to know that the Mag/MT-III is always ready for action.
I keep a Surefire E1L (KX1-singlemode) + 4 spares in a Fenix tube in the hidden compartment of my car. I only have 1 car, so wanted to put something small, dependable, and long runtime (8 hours).

No matter where I drive or what situation I face, I'll always have light! I don't worry about it getting stolen if someone breaks in...the hidden compartment looks like a fuse panel.

Also keep a BOB in the trunk with some supplies and a VB16.

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