what lights are you giving as gifts this christmas ?


Sep 12, 2007
Georgia, C.S.A.
I just realized,i'm giving a BUNCH of lights this year. First, i got my mom a bed-side light (same as i use) a streamlight pro-polymer 3C, and gave it to her already,against her protestations.She hates early presents,so i had to get her another for christmas day. Since she's been eying my fenix P1ce i keep on my key chain, i got a super deal from fenixstore on a regular P1 for her.
Then my sister in law mentions liking my keychainlight, but we don't get along very well,so she gets a AAA mag-light from target.:nana:
Then my other sister in law,who i like, gets a streamlight microstream ( i think that's what it's called,AAA with pocket clip? ) . My niece will get (along with a few bucks) one of those tiny (photon rip-off) key chain lights that keep coming free with other light orders.:whistle:
MY aging grandmother,who won't know the difference and has more money than she can spend and doesn't NEED anything, gets a cool little coast light i just got a deal on from those idiots at sportsmansguide.
And finally my brother,that thinks me and our other brother are nuts for buying high dollar toys like surefires, an Inova T-1, that i decided to keep after batteryjunction accidentally sent it to me instead of what i actually ordered.:D. 85 lumens,tactical clicky,HAIII, his tubby *** will be a flashoholic before he knows what happened !!
So, killing multiple birds with fewer stones, i think i got christmas dialed in. whew !!:thumbsup:
I am thinking about a few of the basic (L1D) Fenix lights for a few gifts. My better half may get a P2D-Q5 to replace her years old Dorcy that she still thinks is 'good enough'.

I also plan to replace the MAG lights ( 3Ds ) at work with P3D or L2Ds - they will be sort of a 'gift' to the users - so I guess that counts.
Giving my best buddy a Surefire 6PL.

I'm probably too nice.

He's also getting an SC1 carrier.

Yeah, I am too nice.

Giving one of my best friends my modified angled light because he is going into the army...would make him a new one with artic ice epoxy for heatsinking, but parts arent here yet...DX!!!!:shrug:
other best friend, he's getting a mc capsule for his long bow same time i get mine, it will be a late chrsitmas present

my aunt will get an order's worth of fauxtons and an UF C3 cos she requested some flashlights, but disnt want too expensive...

I gave my gf and her family a few Inova T1s. They're bright and good quality...but still reasonably priced. As for gifting myself, a new M6! :) :faint:
And finally my brother,that thinks me and our other brother are nuts for buying high dollar toys like surefires, an Inova T-1, that i decided to keep after batteryjunction accidentally sent it to me instead of what i actually ordered.:D. 85 lumens,tactical clicky,HAIII, his tubby *** will be a flashoholic before he knows what happened !!
So, killing multiple birds with fewer stones, i think i got christmas dialed in. whew !!:thumbsup:

Wow, did you email battery junction and tell them they made a mistake?

What you said about your brother made me chuckle, but is kind of mean. He is your brother ya know :crackup:.
Only one. My best buddies Mom, who we call "Magoo". The nicest Lady you'd EVER meet got a Streamlight Jr. LUX (2AA) to go out to the chicken coop in the dark!

She tried to twist the head right off the bat until I set her straight.

She was tickled pink to get it!
I'm giving the DX MTE 1AA SSC P4 unit and the clear keychain lights. Those little things are BRIGHT! I was completely amazed at them when I got it yesterday.
(quote) "Wow, did you email battery junction and tell them they made a mistake?"
I actually ordered the older T1,that used only one battery and had the stainless bezel. The price was almost the same,and i still don't know which i was charged for. I figured it wasn't worth the trouble to send it back and get the one i wanted,so i kept just kept it. If they'd sent me something way more expensive, i'd have come clean,i've done it before when performancebike once sent me two of everything i ordered ,expensive stuff at that.
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Gave an E2L to a lady fed in the family last week after a disastrous encounter with a brand-new, but quite defective L2. I was preparing to give a Surefire L5 to each of 2 soldiers in the other side of the family.

I stopped by Surefire the other day and was told that the L5 may be released further in 2008. I now look toward the Fenix T1, however the product is unproven since it was just released.

I'll keep bugging the "world class customer service" folks at Surefire in the interim.
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Gave out two L0D Q4's and a Fenix Power Pack L1D/P2D Q5 to some friends.

The are all beginning to realize it gets dark out every night, so flashlights aren't as silly as they once thought.... :candle:
(quote) "Wow, did you email battery junction and tell them they made a mistake?"
I actually ordered the older T1,that used only one battery and had the stainless bezel. The price was almost the same,and i still don't know which i was charged for. I figured it wasn't worth the trouble to send it back and get the one i wanted,so i kept just kept it. If they'd sent me something way more expensive, i'd have come clean,i've done it before when performancebike once sent me two of everything i ordered ,expensive stuff at that.

Good to hear that if it was alot more you'd let them know. Who knows too, maybe they made a mistake and charged your for and sent you the wrong light.I just done my first deal with Matt at battery junction and he is a top notch guy. I'd recommend them to anyone.

Sounds like you are going to make some people happy with some nice gifts :twothumbs . Last year I gave out a fenix L2s to my dad, my brother, and myself and gave a fenix l1s to my mom for her purse. My mom loves that little light and uses it all of the time even though it has a pretty purple tint to it. I need to get it back from her and drop in a seoul for a nice white tint but I am not sure she would let go of it for a few days. I'd probably have to buy her a new one and mod it before I gave it to her and then mod her old one for me to keep :grin2:.

This year I gave my brother the 3W energizer rechargable setup as a gift. It is a nice little light for $40 as it has both an AC charger, a dc charger, two lense filters. It has a green filter and a red one. All of this with a nice white tint at a rated 85 lumens if I recall correctly and around 80 minutes of runtime all in a really nice form factor. Not so small it is hard to keep a good grip on but not so large to be akward. He was really thrilled with the light as most lights I buy he doesnt use as he never gets around to charging batteries unless he can do it in his truck and never seems to replace alkaline batteries when a light goes dead so he never has a working light when he needs it. With the truck charger he has kept it charged up all of the time so far. WIth all of the machine work he does I couldnt wait until Christmas to give it to him as I knew he could use it right away. So as a gift for him to open on Christmas I picked him up a fifth of Makers Mark :p.

I havent bought anyone else a light yet, but I am thinking about picking up either an E1E or an E1L for my wife to carry in her purse. I just cannot decide which one to get her yet. I like the extended runtime of the E1L but I think she would like the better color rendition of the E1E even though the runtime is alot less and has only half the lumen output. I figure that even though the E1E only has a 1.5 hour runtime, she would only use a battery every 3 to 5 months. On the other hand, the E1L would likely last her possibly a couple years on a single cell. Decisions decisions :laughing:.
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Im giving a bunch of small lights

LED minimags, Lenser tac torches to nieces and nephews.

I am getting an LED torch for my mom. The verdict is still out though what her preferences are... high or low Lux. I'm getting her a Nuwai 1xAA for starters, pretty tight beam not much spill. If she doesn''t like that I'll get her a fenix, or dealextreme Cree with more spill.
To my 75YO Father-in-law a Fenix T1. He's a cool old engineer and will love it. Heck, he thought the Inova microlight was great!
I'm giving away several DX RC-G2 lights. Also giving tons of keychain lights away. People always tell me how it was the only light they had in a pinch or had working batteries. They are great gifts.
My girlfriend is actually very supportive of my hobby and long ago on our first date she noticed my Fenix on my keychain. I told her all about my weird interest in lights and she quickly produced a Solitaire from her purse....funny because she said "look at this real nice light I carry"

Of course I tried to tell her how there were much better options however the fact she even had a light on her was very impressive indeed. I simply could not resist the specials on Fenix lights and bought her an LOD from the clearance section. I included a pack of Lithium AAA cells and believe she will put the light to good use.
I'm giving a L2D-CE/Q5 to two different non-flashaholics.

I think that their using AA batteries, and the fact that they represent the brightest of the current crop of their class, that nothing says "Merry Christmas" better than letting someone see spots for a few days.
A no name LED keychain light for my sister and a Fenix P1D Q5 for her boyfriend. He's a budding flashoholic!
Step-father will be getting a Fenix L2D. The AA battery useage was the main selling point. He's tight and I don't see him forking over "big bucks" for batteries.
My non flashoholic brother in law, a Lowes Task Force Cree 2c. He will probably want to get a "good light" like a m@g.

To my brother-in-law, a Dereelight CL1H V3 2SM. He is a National Guardsman and is currently in Iraq (wish it got here before he deployed) and will appreciate a fine tool like the CL1H. He's not quiet a flashoholic but could be on his way!
