What lights do you bring to Disneyland?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2006
Los Angeles, Calif.
Carrot's rollercoaster post is what reminded me to post this question. :)

Pocket, cargo pocket, backpack carry or ???

I'm going to Disneyland today to meet a friend and his family, I will probably stuff either the Surefire U2 or M2 in a cargo pocket. No spares, because I'm traveling light 'n loose like that.

My friend's wife EDCs a Leatherman Charge (in her purse) so maybe I'll have to show her up with the Wolf Eyes 10W HID...?

Aw heck, I'll go ahead and pack the Microfire 24W HID...
I thought I read somewhere that Disney didn't allow knives in which may make the Leatherman a problem. I don't remember if there were any problems with flashlights though.

Only three "toys" came with me to Six Flags: McLux PD-S in my pocket and Surefire Cree E2L in my bag. Also brought my recently favorite knife, the Boker Trance. Somehow the bag inspectors missed it. :shrug:
Last time I went to Disneyland, which was about 2 months ago, I brought with me my Jetbeam CL-E and my Draco Cree (always on my keychain). Last week, I went to Downtown Disney, which is just outside of the Disneyland Gates, and I brought my Draco (of course...) and my A19 Cree head on VG FB2 body.
We drive to Disney World every year. I always take a couple of bigger lights like the SF M3 in the car. But in the parks, I only carry my "Scout essentials". A Cold Steel small Voyager, leatherman micra, Arc AAA, an Arc AAA UV, and a fenix L0P-SE all on a keyring. Since it goes in my pocket and Disney does bag searches, I have never been asked about it. I also usually carry a TW4 for more light.

But we went to California a couple of years ago to go to Disneyland for a change. While out there, we also went to SF MM (and rode the X, by the way!). I did not realize they did metal detector checks there. I carried that same key ring with me and they never batted an eye at it when I pulled it out and dropped it in the basket.
I thought I read somewhere that Disney didn't allow knives in which may make the Leatherman a problem. I don't remember if there were any problems with flashlights though.

The checks are fairly random, but enforcement is uneven. Sometimes they ask people to open their jacket or lift a baggy shirt (ostensibly to see if any contraband is stuck in a waistband); women's purses don't seem to be checked closely. They've always given my backpack a thorough going-through, but now I just stick everything into cargo pockets and I'm never checked.

Disneyland's gate security wasn't there before 9/11 so they're probably just trying to keep out the "big stuff" like people with explosives strapped to their chest.

Interesting that Magic Mountain does metal detector checks; I haven't been there in years. It's sorta known as a mecca for troublemakers though. Disneyland probably has an effective undercover security force that keeps a close eye within the park.

I've never had a problem with flashlights in Disneyland up to Surefire 2x CR123 Turbohead size. Actually, the bag-checkers at the gate sort of convey the unspoken message that it's a good idea to have a strong light (raised eyebrows with the "oh, that's a good idea" expression).
I thought I read somewhere that Disney didn't allow knives in which may make the Leatherman a problem. I don't remember if there were any problems with flashlights though.


I'm heading out to Disney World in October and planned on carrying my Leatherman in my Fatboy (along with a light or two). I'd hate to have it confiscated at the gate - it really is an essential tool for EDC, especially when traveling with kids, a stroller, all their gear, etc.

I'd rather not have to hide it and sneak it in. Anyone have a negative (or positive) experience at that park with a multitool?
Well, security in disneyland resort paris isn't that strict. They let me pass with a leatherman charge Ti, Victorinox Picknicker and an Emerson mini cqc7b in my bag... but they did almost confiscate my gatco triseps sharpener and TADGear folding Ti spork...

Strange security policy. because the area just outside the park was being patrolled heavily by the Gendarmerie, with every officer carrying a full auto... go figure.
I'm heading out to Disney World in October and planned on carrying my Leatherman in my Fatboy (along with a light or two).

The Shadow in Disneyland??? Lamont, what are you doing? Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men...Walt Disney!! (It's funnier in a Scottish accent...Walt Disney?...Walt Doesnae?......Walt Does not?.................................................You had to be there. :p

Seriously, the last time I went to Disneyland Paris, I couldn't find any darkness to speak of - it's all very well lit. Didn't stop me taking my ARC AAA-P, ARC +4 and a small selection of Mags ( Well, it was a while ago!!! ) My Leatherman stayed in my suitcase all the time - What can go wrong at Disneyland??

Be lucky....
The Shadow in Disneyland??? Lamont, what are you doing? Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men...Walt Disney!!

Exactly why Margo and I are going. Except we won't be looking for the heart of Disney, but his frozen head! It's rumored to be stored in a chamber under the Haunted Mansion where no man may see it... no man, except The Shadow! :eek:

Back to reality...

What can go wrong at Disneyland??

I'm hoping for nothing worse than mending a broken zipper with the pliers, or cutting the tags off a new Mickey hat with the scissors. And I know their lighting is more than adequate, and would never dream of interfering with a dark ride, but if there's any kind of emergency, well, you all know the rest.
Something inconspicuous. I wouldn't want them to think I was Goofy! LOL

Speaking of Goofy;

Mickey Mouse is talking to his lawyer. His lawyer says, "Mr. Mouse, you can't divorce your wife on the grounds you think shes insane." Mickey replies, "I didn't say she was crazy. I said she was f***ing Goofy!"
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As far as i know there are no metal detectors at the Anaheim Disney Land, so everything that fits into the pockets is a clear go.
Great thread because I am going in two weeks (FLA) and I have been thinking about what to take. Trying to get the best "bang for the buck" because we are trying to travel light (no pun intended).
As far as i know there are no metal detectors at the Anaheim Disney Land, so everything that fits into the pockets is a clear go.

My wife and I have Annual Passes and usually go the the Anaheim Disney Resort 1 - 2 times each month.

I usually carry a Surefire D2 (old and beat up) and a Fenix P1D - none of the security 'cast members' has ever said anything about them; and, while they do have security inspections (going thru backpacks and purses) I've never been asked to empty my pockets and I carry a medium sized folder (CRKT M16-01Z) - maybe I don't fit the profile :).
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I went to DisneyWorld back in March and I have to admit I was afraid to take any of my more expensive lights for fear of losing them or having them confiscated. Probably an irrational fear but I left my HDS and McLux at home. I took with me a Jetbeam MKIIx and a Fenix EO for EDC and I had a RiverRock 2AAA and a Gerber Infinity Ultra for around the hotel room. I felt I wouldn't lose any sleep if any of these were lost or stolen. I did use the Jetbeam a fair bit because (thankfully) the park at night is dark and there are a lot of dark rides and theatres where parents and kids can drop things.
We were at the florida park last summer. They looked through bags, but didn't have any questions about the fenix in my little fanny pack. I carried the fenix 1 watt, my ArcAAA on my keychain and a couple of throw away $1 LEd things to play with if necessary.

Turns out I actually used the flashlights. My daughter wife and I got stuck on the peter pan ride. They finally gave up trying to get it going again and actually brought in the fire department to have people climb out onto ladders! We were close enough to one of the sets of stairs that they manually cranked us backwards a few feet to it. But we did sit there in the dark for a while, and finally they turned the work lights on for us. But even so the Arc was used for quite a while by my daughter to draw on a pad of paper we had to pass the time we were stuck, and the fenix I used a lot just looking around while we were stuck and later when we were walking out through the stuff at the bottom. This was really great fun! I'd get stuck in a ride again, no problem (as long as it wasn't it's a small world... I think I'd chew my own ears off if they didn't stop the music!) :D While we were stuck and waiting they brought around bottled water for folks and tossed them up into the boats. And gave us universal rapid passes to get on anything else we wanted without waiting. So we weren't upset or anything. I definitely enjoyed the excuse to shine the fenix around and look at the backstage gears and whatnot. I dont feel you should do that while the ride is operating properly, that might ruin things for other people that dont want their night vision messed up. But it really did come in handy when we were evacing as the work lights were not real bright.

So definitely bring something, but dont over do it.
10 years ago or so, I got to tour the Disney World shops. Where they make everything for the parks, from the street signs to the rides, to the character costumes. I got to try on a prototype carbon fiber mickey mouse head. This was before the current security situation, but because of the fear of industrial espionage, they searched our bus, checked ID of everyone, and made us sign agreements about what can and can't be done inside. We were told to leave all cameras, bags, and camcorders on the bus.

Personally, I'd carry a little 3.25 inch 2 blade swayback and a spy 005 or ion ti xre. Neither would raise much suspicion and provide enough utility without having to lug around a lot of junk for a hot, humid, crowded, long day.
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I don't think the park security has the right of law to confiscate your personal articles. If they have an issue just take the item back to your vehicle.

That being said, a wise CPFer once wrote, always bring your best gear when travelling. You never know when your going to need it.

An Arc AAA-P and E2e. Thats my travel combo of choice. Thats what I would, and have in the past, bring to the "happiest place on earth."

Take the California adventure ride. Its exilarating. I thought a theme park in California based on California was a "Goofy" idea. It is actually good advertisement. Makes you want to get in the car and just drive!

The parking lot is pretty far and a long walk after taking the shuttle, so better be prepared to go back to your car trip takes about 30 min, if you carry blades unless you "surrender" your beloved sebenza to the guard (yeah right)
I don't think the park security has the right of law to confiscate your personal articles. If they have an issue just take the item back to your vehicle.

That being said, a wise CPFer once wrote, always bring your best gear when travelling. You never know when your going to need it.

An Arc AAA-P and E2e. Thats my travel combo of choice. Thats what I would, and have in the past, bring to the "happiest place on earth."

Take the California adventure ride. Its exilarating. I thought a theme park in California based on California was a "Goofy" idea. It is actually good advertisement. Makes you want to get in the car and just drive!
