What lights do you guys use in caves?


Sep 22, 2006
Weekend before last my friends and I went hiking through Pluto's Cave near Mt Shasta. Between 4 of us we had I think 7 LED lights and SF G2 incan. I was using my NovaTac 120 mostly. I really like the LEDs long runtime and that I dont have to worry about the bulb popping if I drop the light (It was pitch black in there, and I'd rather not have any of my lights fail.) However the incans seem to throw further and I tend to like the color better. They are great for looking far ahead or up at a high ceiling in the cave. So i'm just wonderin what others like to use in pitch black cave environments and maybe get some ideas for what to use next time.
It depend what I need to do in pitch black environment. If I am relaxing, then I prefer a cool white light from LED. If I had work to do, then I would like the incan light.
I have not been caving, but I would carry a few lights just in case of failure. I would mainly use a low level light to preserve battery and vision.
A headlamp, and no less than 2 additional independent sources of light (3 total, as a MINIMUM) per person.
My primary (as in, helmet-mounted) caving light is a Princeton Tec EOS modded with SSC P4 and a Khatod 17mm reflector. I carry an identical headlamp in my backpack in case my primary fails. I also carry a Princeton Tec Tec-40 in my pocket (the bright incandescent beam is nice in big rooms, or when I need to shine a light through water) and a Peak Matterhorn on a string around my neck.
My primary headlamp is a Princeton Tec Apex modded with the SSC P4. Depending on the cave, I have either 1 or two Fenix L2D's attached to the side of my helmet.

I have an identical modded PT Apex as a backup.

In my emergency kit, I have a Fenix L0D and a Fenix E01. In addition, I'll usually pack a couple other lights depending on my mood. . . .

Right now I am patiently awaiting any news about an upcoming Fenix headlamp and hope that I don't end up buying the new Surefire Saint before I know the specs on the Fenix. . . .
I use a completely stock petzl duo. I'll second the Princeton Tec Tec-40 which I also carry along with an arc-aaa. I like the color of incan beter then the led's. Helps with depth perception. Led's dont seem to reflect in a cave atmosphere as well as the warmer color temps.

I head lamp is a must. Along with several other flashlights per person. One of our friends usually has at least 3 different lights on his helmet. Why? Because if one goes out when he is rappelling, he doesn't want to have to dig through his bag to get another one. A good thrower is also great. I have seen people use lights from the bike light maker Nite Rider because of the bright beam and durable set up. If you really get serious you can make your own custom batter packs to fit your needs.
when i went caving last weekend i had a home made 20 watt mr16 head lamp for my main light, my modded UF 606a, and my Romisen RC-N3 Q5(just about lost it forever in a bolder field)and lots of other leds.
I too use a Seoul modded PT Apex as my primary and two Romisen RC-G2s attached to the helmet as backup. In my bag there's a Terraluxed Minimag as a secondary backup and a ROP HOLA for lighting up big chambers. Sometimes I take my Sam's Club 35W HID for smaller easier caves :grin2:
I do not indulge in the biblical definition of caving (ropes, helmets, headlamps etc..). I stick to the caves I can walk into.

My flashlight of choice for caves is my Mag 2D Roar of the Pelican, powered by Eneloops. None of my other lights extract the colours and detail as nicely as that light. Being only a 2D, it's not too bulky either.
I do not indulge in the biblical definition of caving (ropes, helmets, headlamps etc..). I stick to the caves I can walk into.

My flashlight of choice for caves is my Mag 2D Roar of the Pelican, powered by Eneloops. None of my other lights extract the colours and detail as nicely as that light. Being only a 2D, it's not too bulky either.

Same type of caves Ive been in. Nothing with any seriously difficult terrain.
I'm no caver myself, but it's always interested me. Henry of Ra lights is a caver, and all his lights have been designed with caving in mind.

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