What To Do With OLD Surefire 6P?


Feb 15, 2001
I have a really old SF 6P. (It's completely round. No flat surfaces.) Are there any led conversions available for it? Or should I just sell it for whatever I can get?
Could use any of the current P60 sized LED dropins. However, depending on the shape it is in, it could easily be worth >$100.
The older ones that say Laser products or something similar are collectors items at this point.
Just get a malkoff and your are set.

I wouldn't mess with it or mod it. Those are somewhat collectible now. Drop in an M30 and power it with a 17670. With ~220L (legit) OTF it will go toe to toe with any of the brightest XR-E lights created within the past 1-2 years.
Geesh...I wish I'd have never posted my question. I'm reading all the answers, getting all exited and then go to get the light. I CAN'T FIND IT!!! Argh... I've gone through the cars, and now I'm tearing the house apart! I did find my old Surefire weapon light (Z6?) but it has the rubber press patch thingie that attaches to the forearm of a rifle instead of a clickie. I KNOW that darn P6 is around here somewhere!
Best way to find something is to look for something else, unrelated. It forces you to throw out assumptions about where it should be.
I faced the same question myself a few months ago. Wound up installing a Malkoff M60F and a couple of AW RCR123's. Now this is my "go to" torch for any inside-the-house chore that needs illumination. Try it; you'll like it!