Ive been away for about 8 - 12 months :mecry: and I could use with a few more lights in AAA and/or AA. I use a Aeon and a SS LD01 daily. I feel I could use the slimmer AAAs more, runtime and price of the light are not big issues for me. A good low is important, around 1-3 lumens.
What is around in AAA (or AA) thats new in the last 12 months apart from the Preon that you would recommend?
Thank you in advance
Ive been away for about 8 - 12 months :mecry: and I could use with a few more lights in AAA and/or AA. I use a Aeon and a SS LD01 daily. I feel I could use the slimmer AAAs more, runtime and price of the light are not big issues for me. A good low is important, around 1-3 lumens.
What is around in AAA (or AA) thats new in the last 12 months apart from the Preon that you would recommend?
Thank you in advance