Don't try a Malkoff M30 on three NiZn cells
I just received my first dozen nickel-zinc (NiZn) AA cells. Their nominal voltage and voltage under load are similar to L91 lithium primary AA cells (1.6 to 1.8V throughout the discharge cycle). I've been running my Malkoff M30WF (warm flood) on three Eneloops (1.2 to 1.4V each) and couldn't wait to brighten things up with three NiZn cells. The M30 is rated for 3V to 5V, but I figured, "Surely the M30 can handle 5.6V.
I was wrong. After 10 minutes, the Fivemega 3AA body became uncomfortably hot and the M30 began strobing.
I've now moved the M30WF to a FiveMega 2AA body, powered by 2 NiZn cells.
NiZn holds great promise in 2AA bodies. The new Malkoff M61 is now regulated as low as 3.4V....perfect for NiZn.