What's the big deal with clips?!!!?

How important is a clip on my EDC light?

  • A clip is essential. A deal breaker!

    Votes: 76 38.2%
  • Take it or leave it.

    Votes: 92 46.2%
  • I hate friggin' clips.

    Votes: 31 15.6%

  • Total voters


Oct 19, 2008
I made a rant on the marketplace so I thought I'd throw this question up to the viewing populace.

WHY don't manufacturers/designers provide a bloody clip for their "EDC-able" flashlights?!!

I mean c'mon, anyone that carries a knife knows how indispensable a clip is. They were "revolutionary" like twenty years ago. /rollseyes I believe Spyderco started, or at least popularized the idea. There are so many awesome lights that come to market that obviously have tons of thought and design placed into them but the lowly clip seems to get short shrift or total dismissal altogether. What gives?!! All this high-tech/cutting edge electronics and CNC manufacturing and bending a piece of spring steel and drilling holes is unobtainable???? ..that's just ridamndiculous!

..and for those that don't like/want a clip, FINE. You don't have to buy one or if one is included, just leave it off. Everybody's happy, but to not have the option is just mind boggling.

I'll try to make a poll. Maybe I'm in the minority? but it would be interesting to see how many agree/disagree with my opinion.
I don't like clips and will not buy anything with a clip unless I'm sure that the clip can be easily removed.

Anything of value that is small enough to be pocketable or that could be damaged if dropped should have a lanyard hole.

Clips are ugly, obtrusive and interfere with getting a good grip on the item.

If I see someone carrying a knife with the clip visible I question their motives and judgement for openly advertising the fact.
I like clips. Lanyards are just not my thing. I prefer a piece of metal to a piece of fabric.
Anything of value that is small enough to be pocketable or that could be damaged if dropped should have a lanyard hole.

i agree with this....or more specifically, any thing like that SHOULD have a means to be secrured, regardless of whether its a clip or a lanyard hole...or some other way...

I never use clips, but there seems to be enough demand to make having them as an option sensible.
Clip is essential for me. My EDC light rides right next to my EDC knife in my RF pocket. I am always figiting with them, knowing exactly where they are. I reach to that area 20 times a day, and its just a matter of which tool I require for the job at hand. I don't understand not wanting a clip, unless its kept in a holster. Holsters are too bulky for me. And letting the light jingle inside the pocket seems like it would be difficult to get to when you need it.

Long live the clips!
I have one light with a clip, that comes in handy for slipping into my pocket and clipping to the top edge of it. I don't like the odd feeling of the light (single RCR123 size) riding around in my pocket across my leg. That's the only situation any attached object to a flashlight is acceptable to me...

Lanyards... well, I just don't get that one at all.

Side switches... what a thought!

I have a Raidfire Spear- Awesome light, wow I love it! However, what gets me is why a seriously nice light doesn't come with a side switch so it can be used easily? :shrug: That's my rant. It's a two handed flashlight no matter how you look at it.
If I see someone carrying a knife with the clip visible I question their motives and judgement for openly advertising the fact.
Personal preference is one thing, but I am a little miffed with regards to your judgment statement. Having carried my folders either on my belt or clipped to my pocket for 30 years there has never been any issues with visible carry. Mentality that knives are not primarily tools can lead to trouble.

My two EDC lights both have clips. The LumaPower ConneXion has what appears to be a thin frail wire clip. It does work very well in keeping the light secured in the nylon belt/slip case that came with it. My new NiteCore NEX has a much more robust clip, but does not grip my clothing with enough vigor to provide confidence. I may try to adjust it after the newness factor wears off. Removing is not an option because of it's antiroll benefit.
Well, I like clips, because they stay straight in the jeans pocket and ready to use, right next to my EDC knife. And they don't get messed up with other stuff in the pockets, and I hate the feeling of a flashlight crossed in my pocket and digging in my thigh.

Too bad my Fenixes don't have clips...
I actually use both a clip and a short lanyard on the same item. The lanyard for when I handle the tool it is looped around 1 or two fingers and the clip to keep it positioned properly and allow for quick easy access. It is a deal breaker for me if a light or knife doesnt have a clip, I pass. It is indeed mind boggling that flashlight makers continue to repeat this mistake of leaving it out on small tools touted as EDC . They just refuse to catch on. And when they do it is an ugly retrofit and 1/2 the time useless becasue of this fact and or poor material/design

I have had a cpl people ask why I carry a folding knife when they see it clipped dicretely to my pocket. The first time I found myself trying to explain the reasons which are perfectly legit because it caught me off guard, not that I couldnt defend myself . The next time I was more ready and set the person straight. It never ceases to amaze me , that mentality that if you own/carry a particular item you are "up to suspicious illegal activities" . This leads to the classic liberal "ban everything" and I will feel safer and noone will be able to hurt me anymore since it will be all gone. Of course this emotionally based illogical thought process doesnt carry things further to the fact that true criminals have no regard for the law which is what makes them crooks to begin with and "disarming" the public only leaves the law abiding public that much more vulnerable.
If you want to be distrustful of people worry about the ones that want to strip you of your rights for their own personal agenda.
Don't like them. I've had the experience with a pocket knife that the clip made it easier to lose. The clip kept could catch on my seat belt so that the retracting seatbelt would pull it out of my pocket, unbeknownst to me. Luckily, my knife landed inside the car so I found it later, but a good friend lost his exactly the same way.
If I see someone carrying a knife with the clip visible I question their motives and judgement for openly advertising the fact.

Guess you've never had to use a knife before outside of your kitchen :confused:.

When you see a knife clip exposed on a person, do you cross the street to avoid them?

I carry a knife with a clip that enables extremely low carry, but most people who see the clip would still know that it is a knife even though they can't see the knife. Doesn't matter to me, I carry my knife in the most convenient manner, since I have to use it 5-8 time a day.

What is this world coming to when people are afraid of a pocket knife?:sigh:
I agree no thought goes into the clip,take the jetbeam Pro Ti that came with a poor quality steel clip huh!! and I also agree we should be given the choice to use it or not :twothumbs

Although!that said clips for certain lights like the DBS for instance are not that useful IMO

So my vote is for take it or leave it.
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I like clips. The light I'll use most is one that's easy to access when needed. A light in the bottom of my pocket is difficult to access.

I have lost lights clipped to my back pockets when pulling pants back up after doing bathroom business - the pockets scrunch up when pulling the pants down and sometimes the lights get pushed up and out of the pockets. I've had my Fenix L1P and Nuwaii 2AAA lights hit the floor several times in this situation. I had to fish the L1P out of the toilet once - yuck! I still keep them clipped there and use them the most because they're easiest to access.

When I'm sitting down, I use the 2AAA light clipped in my front pocket.

I use lights a lot, so I like them easy to access.
i'm all for a removable clip because it gives the buyer the option.

me personally anything over a AAA size edc is too big for the pocket so a clip is useless. i'd rather hold it in a holster.
It depends on the use for the light, but generally if anyone made a good holster, the clip would be omittable.

Very few seem to make a good holster.
I prefer clips on my EDC lights (knives, etc) & it has been a deal breaker on occasion because there was not one available :shrug:

I am not a lanyard around the neck kinda guy I do use a small monkey fist or other kind of lanyard like a Colby pea banger on lights (& knives) but thats to help keep me from dropping it :thumbsup:

My Spy did not have a clip option so I had Matt at AOTH make me a nice Holester for it now it has a clip ;)


I don't like clips and will not buy anything with a clip unless I'm sure that the clip can be easily removed.

Anything of value that is small enough to be pocketable or that could be damaged if dropped should have a lanyard hole.

Clips are ugly, obtrusive and interfere with getting a good grip on the item.

If I see someone carrying a knife with the clip visible I question their motives and judgement for openly advertising the fact.

Amen brother.

They ruin the ergonomics and looks of about 95% of the lights & knives that have them. I won't even buy a pocket knife that has holes drilled into the handle scales. If the clip can not be removed without it looking like something is missing, no sale. Benchmade in particular ruins a lot of nice knives like this.

The guys that look like Batman with their tactical decorations are comic.
Guess you've never had to use a knife before outside of your kitchen :confused:.

When you see a knife clip exposed on a person, do you cross the street to avoid them?

I carry a knife with a clip that enables extremely low carry, but most people who see the clip would still know that it is a knife even though they can't see the knife. Doesn't matter to me, I carry my knife in the most convenient manner, since I have to use it 5-8 time a day.

What is this world coming to when people are afraid of a pocket knife?:sigh:

It's not about being afraid:shakehead.

It's about taste or the lack of it. A time and a place for everything, but the commando / Batman / urbran warrior ready for anything look just screams silly:thumbsup:.

I am never without a knife and see no reason to advertise I carry one in public.

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