whats the biggest edc light you carried daily?

I carried a Surefire 6P for a number of years back in the INCAN days....and after with Malkoff LED drop-ins. First few years I was a Holster Guy....then I got a good pocket clip and carried that way for a long time. A few years later I started carrying a Malkoff MD2 with a pocket clip....roughly the same size as the 6P but a little heavier I think. These days I carry TWO lights:

ZebraLight SC600w IV Plus (front pocket)

Fenix PD35 TAC (back pocket)
I carried a Surefire 6P for a number of years back in the INCAN days....and after with Malkoff LED drop-ins. First few years I was a Holster Guy....then I got a good pocket clip and carried that way for a long time. A few years later I started carrying a Malkoff MD2 with a pocket clip....roughly the same size as the 6P but a little heavier I think. These days I carry TWO lights:

ZebraLight SC600w IV Plus (front pocket)

Fenix PD35 TAC (back pocket)

Typically, the biggest I carry are small 18650 lights like the following:

Zebralight SC64w HI
Emisar D4V2 aluminum
Lumintop FW3A, FW3T, and LM10

Anything longer than those lights tends to not feel comfortable in the pocket. Same for anything heavier.

I've tried EDCing an Emisar D4v2 titanium-copper and D4v2 brass. Both I found uncomfortable due to the added weight.
I dunno if you carry a handgun...but once you get used to that sort of weight a flashlight doesn't seem like much. I been carrying concealed for about 25 years now
An MD3 on my belt is biggest I carry. I forget I have it on me most of the time.
Eagtac G25C2vn, SBT90 and W2. If I'm wearing jeans/ cargo pants in winter it's pretty easy. Good grip even with gloves. I don't do it very often.

Biggest I regularly do would be 6P/ C2/ MD2.

Heaviest would have to be my CRX BigBrassNutz
Big edc fan here.

5. Thrunite TN36UTvn spec 1. Jan. 2016, 13,400 lumens. The ceiling bounce monster of its time. I edced it for a few months. That's how excited I was about it. My most
"beat up" light, from work horse use.

Large lights that I have carried a lot at night, and sometimes during the day, too: Niwalker MM15, Noctigon Meteor M43vn XP-L dd, Thrunite TN36UTvn, Eagletac MX25L4Cvn XP-L pdt, Fenix TK75vnQ70, Acebeam K70vn, Acebeam X65vn spec 1, TN42 vn spec 1, Acebeam X45vn XHP70.2, Acebeam K75Vn Spec 1.

Currently, the biggest light on edc rotation is Emisar D18vn 18 x W2. Why? Because it is 15,500 lumens, 748 meters throw, in a 3 x 18650 package.

Fun topic, thanks! :)
dont ever go to the dr with the 6p in pocket. it freaks out the nurse
I tend to think of an EDC light as a light you carry with you all the time. Even during the day when you think you probably won't even need a light.

I don't think a 3x18650 would really qualify as an EDC light. Way too big to carry around with you all the time. Sounds like more of a "walking the dog" light that you would grab on your way out the door at night.
As a cop, I carried an sl-20/magcharger for the first 10 years of my career. I was gung-ho and worked at least 7 days a week if not double shifts. So technically day in day out i did edc them things
I tend to think of an EDC light as a light you carry with you all the time. Even during the day when you think you probably won't even need a light.

I don't think a 3x18650 would really qualify as an EDC light. Way too big to carry around with you all the time. Sounds like more of a "walking the dog" light that you would grab on your way out the door at night.

I ran a hardwood flooring plant and carried the TN36utvn every night. It can be EDC'd.
A 2AA mini-mag was my EDC for years.

I wore an HDS for years after that. Smaller than the mini-mag, but heavier.

Currently, a Streamlight Polytac rides my belt most work days. I barely notice it's there.
I ran a hardwood flooring plant and carried the TN36utvn every night. It can be EDC'd.

Well yeah... at night.

But did you also carry it during the day? When at the grocery store? While driving your car? While exercising?

I think of an EDC light as something you carry ALL the time... not just at night when you will probably need a light.
Well yeah... at night.

But did you also carry it during the day? When at the grocery store? While driving your car? While exercising?

I think of an EDC light as something you carry ALL the time... not just at night when you will probably need a light.
I edced my Thrunite TN36UTvn spec 1 for a few months in early 2016, day and night. While driving my car. While exercising (walking seven miles per day), while at the grocery store. Because it was so phitching buquing. I carried my big edc lights every day and night until I downsized to Nitecore TM9KVn, 21700, 9 x stock XP-L2 6500, Jan. 6, 2020.

Normal people walk around with big dogs. They look normal. I walk around with big flashlights. My flashlights have bitten less people then Teds' dog.
Well yeah... at night.

But did you also carry it during the day? When at the grocery store? While driving your car? While exercising?

I think of an EDC light as something you carry ALL the time... not just at night when you will probably need a light.

Ever heard of night shift?
Convoy C8. Too big-headed for the jeans pockets, IMO after the novelty wore off. Now I pocket carry either an S2, S2+ or M1, and a throwy M2 (it rivals the old C8) rides in my leg pouch.
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Largest I've carried is a Nitecore MH12GTS. My current EDC changes from the collection but includes a Ti Tool AA, FW1A Pro with 18350 tube, RovyVon A24Ti, TiBolt or Ti Dawn with 18350 tube.