Whats the difference between ARC and infinity light?

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What is the diff between the infinity and the ARC-aaa light? I have the infinity light and i know it has one bulb and takes a AA. Is the only diff between them the battery and size? Thanks !!! P.S. How heavy are the ARC lights in comparison to the infiity?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by yzingerr:
What is the diff between the infinity and the ARC-aaa light<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ArcAAA is much brighter and does not rattle. Arc has a reflector, Infinity more of an absorber .-)
Never heard about a failing ArcAAA, but had a failing Infinity (and heard about others).

You can put an AAA cell and a $50 bill into an Infinity, but you cannot put an AA cell and $50 debt into an ArcAAA.
Arc -- Brighter, smaller, only 5 hours run time

Infinity -- Dimmer, larger, whopping 40 hours run time.

The Infinity seems to be slightly less expensive (depending upon where you buy), and comes with a lanyard.

I prefer the ARC (I keep in on my keychain with a carabiner). However, for some purposes, the Infinity may be better.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Arc -- Brighter, smaller, only 5 hours run time

Infinity -- Dimmer, larger, whopping 40 hours run time.

To give you my picture, the Arc-AAA's 5 hours are really impressive and makes you want to explore other LED lights. The Infinity's 40 hours lack a lot of luster and makes you think why bother with LED lights if they are all like this.

My Arc-AAA stays on my key ring and it's my primary light. My Infinity stays in the car as a map light. It's too big as a key chain light and not bright enough as a general purpose light. But, I will be using it to light the pumpkin's eyes at the end of the month. So there, the Infinity does have it's purpose!
i have an infinity blue green and i tell you it is a bright little @$%@$#%. i dont own a normal arc-aaa (got the uv one for testing stuff - waiting to pick up a arc-le) but i believe that the beam off of a arc-aaa is alot more confined and goes further but the infinity lights up an area better. and to the comments about infinity's not having reflectors - no they dont but if you pick up a grey finish 2nd gen one - the metal color acts as a good reflector.
I will be a slight dissenter to the trend here. The infinity that I have is pretty close in brightness to my standard ARC-AAA, maybe it's because I put a lithium battery in it.

I do carry the ARC though because it's more compact. But if battery longevity is important nad compactness is not much an an issue, then the infinity is a pretty good deal.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>posted by DaveH

I will be a slight dissenter to the trend here. The infinity that I have is pretty close in brightness to my standard ARC-AAA, maybe it's because I put a lithium battery in it.

I do carry the ARC though because it's more compact. But if battery longevity is important nad compactness is not much an an issue, then the infinity is a pretty good deal.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

About the lithium AA battery, I am running this in my Infinity white. Yes, it makes the LED burn brighter. The odd thing is that my first Infinity white (the latest model) seems to have a brighter beam than my replacement unit. My first unit burned out it's inverter after about 30 hours of run time. This unit was about half as bright as my Arc-AAA white. My replacement unit seems to be even dimmer (even with new lithium batteries installed). My comparisons are with the white units, as other color LEDs will vary very differently.

I hear you about the desire with having a longer run time with the Infinity. This was my choice in purchasing a unit. But, the light was a not as bright as I expected.

If your Arc-AAA with the same color is the same brightness as the Infinity, you may want to exchange it. Check with Arc's president "Peter Gransee", as he will be very willing to assist you. He pops into these threads and he maybe monitoring this traffic as we speak. The Arc-AAA should be no less than three times brighter than the Infinity.
I just received 2 ARC-AAA yesterday and they are quite a bit brighter than my Infinity white. I am really impressed with the ARC-AAA brightness considering its small size.
(poof!) You get three wishes!

Warren is right, the Arc-AAA is expected to be brighter than the Infinity. Your unit might be out of spec and fall within our warranty.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Harrkev:
Arc -- Brighter, smaller, only 5 hours run time

Infinity -- Dimmer, larger, whopping 40 hours run time.

OK, first understand there are a lot of factors with the run time, but I did a side by side constant on comparison of an ARC-AAA and infinity. And the ARC was started out much brighter and was about the same brightness 12 hrs later. At hour 13 it was slightly dimmer and I turned it off shortly after that.

The arc website has some good info on battery life, but Peter is being very conservative run time wise, compared to the competition, the 5 hrs is for full brightness, it actually lasts much longer.

One of the competition says they get 70 hrs of "useable light" with 4 LEDs off 3AAA batteries then when you read the fine print it goes something like this:
" ** Definition of usable light: enough light to tell the difference between your arse and a hole in the ground"

I like LED lights, but I hate the way some of them are advertised.
Thumbs up for Petzl for putting a graph on the back of the Tikka package showing how the brightness is 1/2 after 12 hrs and about 1/20th at 150hrs.
The Infinity I had was very dim compared to my Arc-AAA. I would much rather have a brighter light with a shorter run time.