What's the next big/new technology to look for? And what compares with...


Dec 3, 2005
Dayton, Ohio
And how long is it going to take to get here. The reason I ask is I'm pretty happy with my P2D CE from Fenix, but I had to send two P3D CEs back because of faulty manufacturing. I wanted to replace it and was thinking of a Novatac, but I think I'll just wait till something beats the Cree in Lumens and efficiency, or just efficiency...

I hear of this Rebel, but I still don't know that much about it... anything else out there in the pipeline, or are there any good comparable flashlights to the P3D CE, P2D CE, L2D CE, and L1D CE?

Novatac, Dexlight, and any others? Also, if a brand has the interchangeable tubes like the P2D CE, L2D CE, L1D CE that would be awesome!

Thanks guys...
looks like your off to a good start with your lights now you need some surefire's. technology advances everyday and sometimes you can get burned with a new purchase. I like to wait on new stuff, read some reviews, and then i make my choice.
Once again, if they would stick a Cree in the middle of the A2 Aviator... well, then I'd be sold. But, until then, I'm an LED fan and the incand's won't sway me.

Does the Novatacs use Cree?

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