because the crees used are more efficient or brighter for the same power usedI notice that all the online popular lights are cree's/p4's and the popular in store lights are rebels.
Why aren't rebels more popular on here?
:thumbsup:And with the XP-E available now, the small footprint and beam pattern of the Rebel (perhaps the last thing in it's favor) can be had in more accessible formats.
People here tend to like the latest and greatest emitters, which isn't what you find in popular store lights.
If we were all about popular lights at Walmart, etc, we'd all be talking about our stock incan Maglights.
The Rebels you find in lights at Walmart, etc, are usually low binned Rebels, which aren't up to the standards of most of us here.
I am a big fan of neutral tint LEDs, and Rebels are still tops in this area because they are rated at 1 Amp of current compared to 700mA for neutral XR-E or XP-E LEDs.
I think the Rebels may have a slight advantage in efficiency at lower power levels below 200ma to the LED (according to some of the Vf data sheets). They are good in small lower powered lights. They seem to loose the advantage at higher power levels even though they can handle them well.
I have 2 lights with the "cool" Rebel 100 (which is their higher efficient emmiter). The tint is more neutral than a WC Cree even though they are called "cool". They appear warm compared to a WC tint Cree.
So I do like the Rebels in the small AAA lights by Peak that I own. They seem to be very efficient and have very good tint IMO. They look better outdoors than any of the WC tint Cree lights I own.
47s quarks are 1A for the aa, 2aa, and cr123a,
and 1.2A for 2cr123a.
I like the rebels.
If you get the RB100 you get a guaranteed minimum of 100 lumens at 1 watt. That's pretty cool with the smaller lights.
I've liked the tint in all of mine so far. I just bought a couple more to play with.