What's up with the lamp end of my new Arc-P DS?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 3, 2008
Why is the lamp end of the Arc-P that I just got for Christmas a different color than the body? It makes me think the wrong lamp end may be on there and that it might not be the Arc-P DS that it's supposed to be. The inscription on the body says Arc-P but it's obviously not the same color. How do I know for sure that I have an Arc-P DS when I don't have other Arcs to compare it to? (Sorry about the pic quality; it's a camera phone.)

I also have a "DS" that looks exactly like the previous CS. I suppose I should do something about it but it's been awhile since I got it so I suspect I have forfeited my rights.
The tint of the anodize color varies from batch to batch. The heads and bodies are anodized at different times. Normally, they match better than the photo you provided. Although we don't guaruntee that every unit will be cosmetically similiar, you can return it for any reason.

Unless the head and body tube were made from the same piece of aluminum and anodized at the same time there can be a striking difference in color tint. Even two pieces from the same chunk of stock can be different depending on the heat buildup in the part during manufacturing. Sometimes I can see color differences in regular anodizing where I work but that is not as striking as type III can be.

I have a Surefire E2 that has a different tint for each component even down to the LED module I bought for it. I think it is kind of neat.
I have to chime in here because i simply do not understand something.I have talked to many manufactures about there anodizing process and always get the same answer.I realize that anodize color varies from batch to batch so why don't they put all the parts together and run them as a whole instead of tail,head,body? at least they would all match:thinking:
Thermal guy, that is a good question. We do try to run as many parts at once as possible. But even then, a typical manufacuturer is plating parts on a weekly basis. Each batch is different. Then all the parts get blended together in the warehouse and the assemblers try to match the best pieces together.

While the picture is not great, one has to admit that those two pieces are quite different. I just got my Arc-P about a week ago, and the head and body are nearly identical in color, while the provided picture shows a head that looks almost black. Seems kinda weird to me. I'm surprised those two pieces were matched like that. :shrug:
I've owned 5 or so Arc AAA's over the years and have seen a few others, and don't remember ever noticing that large a mismatch.
Are the current ones shipping all mismatched like this? Is there a way to request ones that are a better match when I place an order? I was about to order one but I'd prefer that it looks like the one on the ARC website.
It adds character, I say :eek: I quite like it...

I guess I'm going to be on my own on this one :candle:

Try buying anything HA Nat. from the Shoppe, you'll get the same there. Surefire is of course notorious for having light parts mis-match.
re: Arc P DS surface treatment.

Is it a type 3 (hard annodize) clear treatment?

No dye?