What's your Sci-Fi / Fantasy EDC?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 19, 2009
This is going to be a geeky thread. Let's say you had access to all the technologies that are present in currently published sci-fi and fantasy (TV, movies, books). What would your EDC consist of?

To keep things reasonable, let's say that the items you choose must be suitable for EDC without requiring interdimensional size / mass alterations.

Also, list where the item comes from and what it does if it's obscure.


Pocket knife: Lightsaber, from Star Wars. Blue blade. Doubles as a torch.
Firearm: DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, from Star Wars.
Self-Defense: Ancient Personal Shield, from Stargate Atlantis. Until depleted by damage, it makes you invulnerable to both energy weapons and kinetic impacts. It's about the size of a cell phone and attaches directly to your body.
Stealth: Asgard personal cloaking device, from Stargate SG-1. Handheld device that makes you invisible.
Scanner / camera: Tricorder from Star Trek Voyager. Acts as both a recording and scanning device that gives lots of information about your surroundings.
First Aid Kit: Asuran Nanites, from Stargate Atlantis, Goa'uld Healing Device from Stargate SG-1. Directly injected into your blood stream, Asuran nanites repair damage nearly instantaneously. The Goa'uld Healing Device is a hand held device that can repair injuries.
Cell phone: Communicator, from Star Trek. This will be the advanced model, which has a built-in universal translator which bestows upon the user an ability to understand nearly all languages.
Multitool: R2-D2, from Star Wars. While not something you carry, he is mobile and can follow you where ever you go, without being too big to be disruptive to your every day life. He can fix practically anything, and has just the right tool for any job.
Flashlight: Eye of Ra, from Stargate SG-1. Not strictly a flashlight, but as one of six potent power sources given to the evil System Lords (which can be combined to level entire civilizations) and as the one bestowed upon Ra, the Egyptian Sun God, it can be safely assumed that it can unleash a lot of lumens.
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LightSaber!!! Seriously! Who on this forum wouldn't want a LightSaber?!?
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A phaser and a communicator. That's all you need to explore the final frontier and meet hot babes. Just don't wear a red shirt.
Whoa whoa whoa. Why no red shirt, is it because they can fade to pink with too many washings? I love red, but I usually have to revert to cranberry to avoid the "pink-fade".

Getting back on topic... if I needed a concealed-carry sidearm for a high-risk EDC, it would still be a 1911 regardless of advancements in personal weaponry. This design is just timeless.

My EDC-Flashlight will always be a 4Sevens-Quark-Tactical series for the same reason, what more could you need? If you need more, they'll offer it!

But for knives (or more in this case), I'd retire my Benchmade Rukus 610 with wood scales for a LightSaber.
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For a knife, my favorite is from the first bood in the Sten series by Allan Cole. Sten, the title character, manufactures a special knife and sheath. The knife has a mono-molecular edge that cuts through anything, and it is sheathed in a special pouch surgically crafted inside his forearm.

For a firearm, I like the Spetsdod found in "The Man who Never Missed" series by Steve Perry. It adheres to the back of the hand, fires with a simple muscular twitch, and can be loaded with a variety of ammo. Simple stingers, simple knockout chems, long term muscular paralyzers, or lethal toxins. Tiny, nasty, and a real test of skill. Probably beyond my abilities, but still a very appealing weapon.

I also like the "Super Blackberry" (my term) tech featured in the current book I am reading. The Dreaming Void by Peter Hamilton. In various scenarios, it has served as Firearm, Self-Defense, Stealth, Scanner / camera, First Aid Kit, Cell phone and Multitool. It starts with varying levels of circuitry and other technology that is implanted / grown in the body, starting at birth in some cases and upgrade throughout life. In it's most basic functions for ordinary citizens it is very Blackberry-like in that it is a combo cell phone, data storage, and wireless data access device. It's other main purpose is to store your consiousness so in the event of "body death", the storage module can be retrieved from your remains and you can be re-lifed in a clone.

Of course the action heroes in the story have much better tech. It can generate electrical blasts for offense, erect a personal shield for defense, spoof other tech for stealth, and scan objects during investigations. In addition to the CYA memory cell as a last ditch first aid, the spy tech can also direct nanites in the body for neutralizing poisons and rapid cell repair. And the multitool aspect is in regards to being able to use / abuse / reprogram all the high tech devices around them to be able to do what they need in their various adventures.

I couldn't end this post without mentioning the Mobile Infantry Battle Suit from Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein. Does it all without requiring anything that's not too far out in terms of what might actually be possible some day in the not too distant future. As bad as the movie was, it's worst offense was skipping this crucial part of the book. Well maybe second worst since they also skipped all the morality discussions that gave the characters heart.
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I could tell by your handle that you were a Sci-Fi fan before I even read the post :thumbsup:
I don't have a very diverse Sci-Fi knowledge. I know the basics though and I would choose:
  • A lightsaber because its cool to be able to cut through anything and to have for close quarters self defense
  • A phaser for longer range self defense
  • A communicator to call for help if the lightsaber and phaser are not enough
  • A tricorder to scan my body for injuries while waiting for the help I called to arrive
There are tons of fantasy sci fi tools to choose from - from Lightsabres to the Flashlight lasers, Tasps and Slaver Variable Swords from Ringworld, taking good long looks at Sonic screwdrivers, Phasers, Sandman Blasters, PPG's, Derek Flint's 82 use cigarette lighter, James Bond's Aston Martin, Gandalf's Staff, Batman's Utility Belt or his Batmobile, or basically any gadget at all that is always exactly what our Hero or Heroine needs to get out of trouble just in the nick of time.

But for me, it's got to be Green Lantern's Original Hal Jordan Power ring. This must be the best and brightest and most useful Sci Fi tool ever. In case I come up against something yellow - say an attack of Killer Banana's or a visit from the local incandescant torch followers - I could alway's carry Sinestro's Qwardian Power ring on the other hand, as backup.

BTW - if you're allowed a fantasy place to live in - then it would be the Tardis - no question.

" In brightest day, In blackest night, No Evil..........."
Pocket Knife: The unnamed knife from the (new) Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie. It was a miniature lightsaber and the line from the movie was, "It toasts bread WHILE you cut it!"

Melee Weapon: Lightsaber. Single-ended.

Ranged Weapon: Phaser. ST:TNG. Amazingly useful tool if you rememer all the things they did with it throughout the 7 seasons.

Communicator: "Global" from Earth: Final Conflict. We finally have the technology in existence to create this device, but it's not quite commercially ready yet.

Flashlight: Surefire M6. It seems to be in all the Sci-Fi movies and as a bonus I already have one, but theirs has infinitely variable brightness and is powered by a zero-point module so it never runs out of juice.
Pocket knife: Lightsaber, from Star Wars. Blue blade. Doubles as a torch.

NO KIDDING! That's mine, too!

But for a great weapon, I want a Type Two phaser. Forget that little Type One, I want that Type Two amp/handle/incredible phaser.

And for communications? I suppose an Icom 756 Pro 3 would be nice, along with a 30S1...

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While the 7800 DOES have a bit better receiver than the P3, you have to realize that I still use a Vibroplex Presentation BUG! :twothumbs
I want one of the helmet's the marines wore on ALIENS (With the drop down hud, and light attached on the side, as well as the handheld motion tracker...oh wait, they have all that stuff now...time to upgrade my current gear!
Wolverine claws would be cool. Very EDC-able and I bet chicks would dig it. For activities not involving decapitation or vaporizing, Dr. Who's sonic screwdriver always seemed handy.

I always though that if i had 3 wishes, one of them would probably go to wishing for a lightsaber with unlimited batteries (just to cover the bases in case its a mean genie)

Whoa whoa whoa. Why no red shirt, is it because they can fade to pink with too many washings? I love red, but I usually have to revert to cranberry to avoid the "pink-fade".
You're kidding right? :eek:
OK then, since you're not, I'm revoking your geek card.

The original Star Treck. Red shirt = DEAD MAN.

NOw for mine:
Veron-T disruptor, from Star Treck TNG - look this one up!
My adamantium skeleton/claw set
The Venom Symbiote :)
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I want Predator technology. I want to become invisible, fire plasma from a shoulder mounted cannon, see in different spectrums, and have extendable exo-claws. If someone really pisses me off or I get into a really bad jam, I'll take a scorched earth policy and set off the small nuke on my wrist.

Predators are my all time favorite sci-fi "villians".
I want Predator technology. I want to become invisible, fire plasma from a shoulder mounted cannon, see in different spectrums, and have extendable exo-claws. If someone really pisses me off or I get into a really bad jam, I'll take a scorched earth policy and set off the small nuke on my wrist.

Predators are my all time favorite sci-fi "villians".

Well, the suit that makes you invisible already exists and is fully functional...it just hasn't finished field testing...is use a full body suit covered with mirrored beads that reflects everything around you, and whill it may not be effective in a house or something, it will definitely work if your up in a tree, or in the jungle/woods, you'd become basically invisible say at 30 yards.
I haven't heard of the bead suit but I did hear someone is working on a suit that uses tiny sensors and projectors connected by fiber optics all over the suit that will at least make you the color of whatever is behind you to a viewer regardless of their relative position.

Sounds easily damaged and it would have to fit perfectly every time or it wouldn't be calibrated.

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