Genxsis where do you live? You could be right next door to 4sevens or mattK or wayne Johnson and not know it.
Fill out the location spot in your profile. Country or if in USA state. City if you don't mind.
As D@rk Messenger pointed out earlier L2 sell Fenix in Toronto & Calgary.
Seriouslights sell them in Saskatoon. in Plamondon, AB
Subzero in Vancouver
In addition some sports stores that sells canoes sells them. (a canoe wholesaler decided to distribute them)
If people know roughly where you live, people living in the same town can probably give you better leads.
If you do not want to shop online, many of the doline stores support other forms of payment for mail ordering.
For example at the Fenix Store payment page
Fenix Store said:
If you prefer not to use paypal, we take other methods of payment. You can also send a money order/certified bank check, send us a fax of your credit card information, or call us with your credit card number.
While there are many reputable retaillers on ebay (lighthound and seriouslights come to mind) there are a lot of people who sell the cheapest junk they can find. A recent thread is about a stainless steel (wow) Cree (WOW) flashlight. The machining was horrible (YUK).
It takes 2 years for a mass manufacturer to retool a factory and they will not do it unless thay can justify the cost.
It took Mag instruments 25 years to justify the cost of introducing upgrades to their lights. After they announced they have the MagLEDs designed it took them 2 more years to retool the factory and get the lights to the stores.
Nuwai introduced the 1/2 watt leds in some of their lights 2 years ago. Dorcy finally started selling the Cool Blue with them in Sears USA. Was up at Sears Canada. They still have the old model.
It is a lot easier for the low volume manufacturers.
Sandwich Shoppe was the 1st to sell a Cree light. the Aleph A19-XRE. Dat2xip was assembling 4 repeat FOUR lights every day and adding them to the Shoppe site.
Fenix produces their lights in batches of a thousand or 2.
LEDcorp which makes the MJ modified Nichia BS bulbs for the Dorcy Cool Blue list 600,000 bulbs sold. (remember manufacturers are notorious for NOT updating their websites)