Where can I buy a 635nm 10mw+ ?

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Newly Enlightened
Jul 6, 2007
I want to know where I can buy a 635nm red laser pointer powered atleast to 10mw at a reasonable price??
good luck finding a 10mW 635nm (and if you do, tell me, i'd like one too!) - i did some googling to see if i could find one for you, and the best thing i can see is the Atlasnova <5mW 635nm, for $24. which i'm kinda tempted by... hehe... it seems class IIIb 635nm *diodes*, even 7, 8, or 10mW, are like $200+ from what i could see! perhaps we should all pester one of the more reputable laser companies to do a high high power 635-red :) i may of course be wrong, it's very early in the morning and i haven't had my coffee, so googling some yourself wouldn't be a bad idea :)
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