Where can I buy good quality 10440 batteries?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2010
Sydney, Australia
I used to buy Efest 10440 batteries for myi pen size laser light.

Are there any good brands out there apart from Efest as I find them hard to find here in Australia?


Liion Wholesale

These webstores are in the US. Illumn is in California, Liion Wholesale is in Pennsylvania. Since you're way up near the top part of the world, and incidently closer to China, you may try AliExpress. I don't think anyone would recommend Ali, but in my experience they're slightly more hit than miss. Out of about 8 orders, only two didn't arrive, both inexpensive flashlights. I've bought Vapcell H10 INR14500 and Keeppower NH1835 IMR18650 from there, but not sure which store on the site. Cells arrived and are legit.

I always felt Efest was decent for 10440, the only in IMR of which I am aware. IMR is mature chemistry and solidly will give more than 500 recharges and keep providing amps if taken care of and not abused. Vapcell has a number of different sized cells in hybrid INR chemistry, including 10440. My understanding is INR is high capacity, also puts out amps, but will not provide as many recharges, maybe 250 with 500 as an outside hard limit. Cared-for IMR will go much further than 500. At least that is what I have read, but INR are new enough it's possible no one has yet reached their end.
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