Where do I start??


Newly Enlightened
Aug 15, 2010
Id like to build my own light, but there is one problem. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW!!!:ohgeez: Sooo anyone here have a "step by step guide for idiots":green: on how to do this? Anyone who cares to take a few minutes to help me out, I would be in your debt!!!:twothumbs
Anyone feel charitable.... willing to help a admitted knife addict pick up a new vice? PLEASE:ironic:
You will likely get more help over on the home made and modified flashlight discussion forum.
Before you start building your own lights, you should know how does a high power led flashlight works, to do so you must own at least a few...

So do you already have any led flashlights, or you are new to this?
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I can't really help 'coz I'm into HDS flashlights which are a "turnkey" units. Most people who do get into building their own start by modding M@g lights or buying "Legoable" flashlights (i.e. flashlights that have inter-changeable parts). There are a lot of threads along these lines.

Good luck :grin2:
I've posted a few times in the past month on how to get started. here's my most complete one.

What do you want the light to do? Start simple. Maybe you want a headlamp - in that case, put a bare LED on the back of a copper endcap, wire the LED to a driver tucked inside the endcap, and wire the driver to a switch and battery. Stick all this on a bracket and strap, or on a helmet, and you're set.

You could also put the LED inside the endcap, wedge a reflector, lens, or optic in the opening, and wire the driver to the LED through that. I'm suggesting that you use a driver because it makes it harder to toast the LED. Using plumbing cleverly you can get not-bad flashlight structure with a hacksaw and a drill.